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Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist – Blood Angels “Oh Captain, My Captain!”

5 Minute Read
Sep 20 2024

Goatboy here with more Blood Angels captains than you can shake a powerfist at. Meet the smashiest, silliest Blood Angels army list of them all!

Goatboy here  and while we didn’t get a points update to get the true “Blood Angel” points we can at least do something fun with the ones we got in the codex.  As you can tell from the title I want to put in a ton of Captains into this army.  So many you think I got a problem with buying captains….I do.

Let’s see what I can do with the Space Marine Captain model.  We’ve got a lot of options if we use foot ones and Blood Angels gives us 3 total types, with 2 Death Company ones and one regular foot one.  I think if we really want to amplify how many we have we just can’t have all them running around too.  This leads me to look at all the options we have to “transport” a pile of space-vampire Leaders around the tabletop.

The Redeemer is Redeemed!

It really is too bad we can’t use the Mastodon anymore as this would make an excellent Party Bus of jerks to move forward, throw in the middle, and hope they run out like sugar crazed toddlers.  I could just image it or as a buddy would say a box of angry bees is coming at you.  I started to look at a few of the Space Marine Transports and of course the one that stands out the best is the Land Raider Redeemer.

Did you know a Jump model takes up just 2 slots in a Land Raider Redeemer?  I didn’t and this means I can have a true box of bees that rumbles around the table top.  It’s a station wagon full of kids going to the soccer game with the tired parent wondering why they said yes to this.  It’s full of knock off Ecto Coolers and orange slices bearing down on the enemy.

Blood Angels List Theory

Let’s start with 2 Redeemers and see what we can fit in.

Blood Angels Land Raider Redeemer – Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter – 285pts
Blood Angels Land Raider Redeemer – Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter – 285pts


This gives us two party buses that can move forward on both sides of the table.  From there let’s see how many captains we can mix up in here.

Jump Captain – Thunder Hammer/Relic shield, Rage-Fueled Warrior – 95pts
Jump Captain – Thunder Hammer/Relic shield – 85pts
Jump Captain – Thunder Hammer/Relic shield – 85pts

Death Company Jump Captain – Powerfist/Hand Flamer – 100pts
Death Company Jump Captain – Powerfist/Hand Flamer – 100pts
Death Company Jump Captain – Powerfist/Hand Flamer – 100pts

Captain – Neo-Volkite Pistol, Powerfist – 80pts
Captain – Neo-Volkite Pistol, Powerfist – 80pts
Captain – Neo-Volkite Pistol, Powerfist – 80pts

Blood Angels Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol, Gift of Foresight – 90pts
Blood Angels Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 75pts
Blood Angels Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 75pts


Death Company Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 85pts
Death Company Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 85pts
Death Company Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 85pts

Mephiston – 125pts

Yeah – that is right 15 Captains riding around in 2 Land Raiders with their Goth buddy Mephiston.  This is about the dumbest list I can think of just using a character model and praying they act like the Space Marines in the new Space Marine 2 game.  Just so much nonsense all piled into 2 vehicles.  The Killer Bees are coming and Wutang is Forever.

Let’s put this all together so you can see it.

Blood Angels Oh Captain, My Captain!

Blood Angels 
Liberator Assault Group



Jump Captain – Thunder Hammer/Relic shield, Rage-Fueled Warrior – 95pts – Warlord
Jump Captain – Thunder Hammer/Relic shield – 85pts
Jump Captain – Thunder Hammer/Relic shield – 85pts

Death Company Jump Captain – Powerfist/Hand Flamer – 100pts
Death Company Jump Captain – Powerfist/Hand Flamer – 100pts
Death Company Jump Captain – Powerfist/Hand Flamer – 100pts

Captain – Neo-Volkite Pistol, Powerfist – 80pts
Captain – Neo-Volkite Pistol, Powerfist – 80pts
Captain – Neo-Volkite Pistol, Powerfist – 80pts

Blood Angels Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol, Gift of Foresight – 90pts
Blood Angels Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 75pts
Blood Angels Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 75pts

Death Company Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 85pts
Death Company Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 85pts
Death Company Captain – Powerfist, Inferno Pistol – 85pts


Mephiston – 125pts

-Non Battleline-

Land Raider Redeemer – Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter – 285pts
Land Raider Redeemer – Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter – 285pts

PTs: 1995

Blood Angels Oh Captain, My Captain Tactics

The idea is you have one Redeemer set up with 5 of the Jump Guys (3 Death Company 2 Regular), Mephiston, and a Death Company Foot Captain ready to go aggressive.  You have the other one set up with 1 Jump (Regular) and the rest of the foot Captains as a nice counter punch as needed.  Remember you can always vomit out Mephiston to go do some actions as he is fast, Lone operative, and very hard to chew through when in cover.


This is one of those Meme lists you could bring, set up on a really nice display board, and just go hog wild converting all the models out.  It is set up to let someone just make a beautifully ridiculous army in hopes to win hearts, win a game or two, and see which captain does the most awesome stuff.  You can shout for the Emperor all day with this one!

I won’t lie – the temptation to make this army list  is growing as I look at my piles of bits and nonsense.

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