Halo: Flashpoint Launches In November

Mantic Games has some great news for Halo: Flashpoint fans as the new game is confirmed for November 2024!
If you missed the initial wave of pre-orders for Halo: Flashpoint we feel you. But the good news is that Mantic now has an update for those pre-orders as well as more news about Halo: Flashpoint in general.
“So – with containers loaded and the most up-to-date boat schedules confirmed, our most accurate estimate right now is that Halo: Flashpoint will be with retailers (and anyone with a direct pre-order*) this November.
(*Yes, this includes that FREE Master Chief mini that many of you managed to snag!)
The exact week that copies hit each market may vary according to your local distribution hub, and once the vessels leave port we’ll post another update to let you know the latest timeline.”
Get Your Pre-Order While You Can
While the exact date is still a little on the fuzzy-side, the good news is that the target month is getting even closer. Halo: Flashpoint is on the way! Now, for some even more exciting news: The Pre-order site is coming back online in October.
“The Mantic warehouse has already pre-sold its full allocation, and the same is starting to happen now with some retailers and distributors – even ahead of launch. If you want a launch copy and you haven’t reserved one yet, we (very strongly) suggest speaking to your FLGS right now!
Funnily enough, our team had a pretty big hunch that Halo: Flashpoint would be big, and manufactured more copies than any print run – of anything – we have EVER made before, and the interest keeps on coming! This is a fantastic indicator for the game’s popularity and future competitive scene, so we’re about to step things up another gear.
Even before launch arrives, we will be booking the next print run. Anyone who missed out on a launch copy can reserve a Starter Set on that delivery, and we will make as many as we need (and more), so that nobody has to miss out.”
I’m pretty excited about this one personally. I got to play a quick demo at the NOVA Open and it’s a fast-paced and fun game.
The game play sits on top of the core Deadzone ruleset. So if you’ve played that, you’ll pick this one up even faster. The great thing is that while the rules are similar to Deadzone, Halo: Flashpoint certainly brings the videogame rules to life on the tabletop.
If your FLGS got in on the pre-order action you might want to hit them up sooner rather than later. Demos for the game should be shipping out and the Mantic Pathfinders will be making the rounds. Also, there’s more planned for early 2025, too. Which means right when the game has hit stores there should be more cool releases on the way, too!
In the meantime, mark your calendars for November and we’ll keep you posted on when you can expect Halo: Flashpoint to arrive in your hands!
Let’s start calling November Master Chief release month!