‘Heresy Supreme’ Sounds About Right For Official MÖRK BORG Video Game

The bleak but gorgeous doom metal fantasy of MÖRK BORG gets its first ever video game in Heresy Supreme coming soon to Kickstarter.
Some phrases let you know right away that you’re in for a good time. ‘There are donuts in the breakroom’ or ‘Class is canceled, no homework’ is a good start. But they can’t compare with something like ‘O Cursed Walker.’ That’s a phrase that conjures. A phrase that invokes.
And invokes may well be the key word here – for that’s a phrase hailing the end of all things, at least in video game form, as MÖRK BORG gets its first official video game adaptation. Developer Morbidware has teamed up with Ockult Örtmästare games to bring you Heresy Supreme, a doom-metal fueled sidescrolling action RPG coming soon to Kickstarter.

Heresy Supreme – MÖRK BORG Conquers The Digital Realms
MÖRK BORG’s doom-metal sensibilities and art-punk vibes make for a perfect transition into a video game. If you’ve never played the tabletop roleplaying game of pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy set in a world that may well end before you’re finished with your session, let alone your campaign, you are missing out on a rules-lite, art-heavy fantasy that revels in pulling joy out of the awesome totality of its doomed world.
But soon, you won’t have to miss out on either, as developer Morbidware will be bringing MÖRK BORG to life – or a cursed facsimile thereof – before you know it!
“Heresy Supreme is a doom-metal action RPG set in the world of MÖRK BORG. Wretched antiheroes explore a sidescrolling, semiprocedural grimdark fantasy world, searching for a way to prevent the apocalypse – or make the suffering worse.
And as you can see in the trailer, the video game has an absolutely heretical aura. There is no denying its doom-metal sensibilities. Nor, if we’re being honest, the soulslike comparisons that are sure to follow It does look like it’ll be pretty unforgiving. Lots of slow but brutal weapon swings on either side – you’ll have to time your attacks carefully or get sent back to the netherealms, or whatever other hellscape your character will have crawled out of.

With multiple different playable classes, each with its own playstyle, there’s sure to be no end of ways to try and break through to the two-headed basilisk that sings of the end of all things. Maybe you can complete some quests along the way – assuming the catastrophic events that make MÖRK BORG so deliciously dynamic don’t kill you. It’s as MÖRK BORG a video game as you could expect.
Look for it next month on Kickstarter!
Will you survive? Only one way to find out!