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Horus Heresy: Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata Up Close – Bring The Big Guns

4 Minute Read
Sep 2 2024

The Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata is in our studio from the Mechanicum. It’s bringing the big guns to the Horus Heresy!

Standing taller than even a Castellax and packing some serious firepower the Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata is a brutal weapon of war. The Mechanicum are getting access to them with new plastic kits and we’ve got one in the studio that’s been built! Let’s take an up close look at these impressive new miniatures.

Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata

This massive Siege-automata is rocking quite the tabletop silhouette. It’s got a lot of clean lines and curves courtesy of the Mechanicum. I know the retro-future sci-fi look isn’t for everyone but I dig it! I really like the whole “Lost In Space” vibes from the automata of the Mechanicum from the Horus Heresy era.

The miniature is loaded with details as you can see from the back-side of this kit. I’m impressed with the belt-fed ammo in particular. I also always like to see the various gears, struts, and pistons that make these miniatures seem like they could actually function.

While this miniature does have some great clean lines and flat surfaces to paint-up or add decals, I also like the rivets that are showing. That armor plating had to be attached somehow. Bolting it into place seems like a was logical move.


I also really like the massive hellex plasma mortar that these Siege-automata have access to. There’s loads of details for that weapon and you can really get in there and go nuts. I’ve always liked to paint up plasma coils. There are some easy tricks you can do with white paints and a brightly colored wash to get some amazing results.

Obviously our kit is unpainted. You can see all bits in their bare plastic forms. But if you want to see some painted versions GW has you covered.

Again, it’s a great looking kit (if you’re into the retro-future sci-fi look). Mechanicum fans should be glad this one is now in plastic and coming to retail very soon. It’s currently up for pre-order and will be arriving in stores on the 14th of September 2024.



Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata $105

The Thanatar Siege-automata is a mobile artillery platform rather than a general battle unit, with a heavy frame built to accommodate its huge weaponry and requisite power systems. The Thanatar-Cavas configuration is armed with a Hellex pattern plasma mortar, a terrifying weapon that launches spheres of plasma into the heart of enemy fortifications. The origins of the Thanatar-Cavas remain uncertain, save that its armament is known to be the product of the forge world of Ryza, the sole locale where Hellex pattern weaponry is produced.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Thanatar-Cavas Siege-automata, a hulking demolisher robot fielded by the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. The Thanatar’s primary weapon is a huge shoulder-mounted plasma mortar, which can be built with its firing aperture open or closed. Its arms are tipped with claw-like shock chargers, and its left arm also features a wrist-mounted twin mauler bolt cannon.

The kit features plenty of posing options to personalise your Thanatar-Cavas, including joints for the waist and shoulders, three right arm poses, two left arm poses with ammo feeds to match, and the ability to build the shock chargers in different grabbing positions.

Let’s all welcome our new Mechanicum-robot Overlords!

Promotional Product Provided by Games Workshop, PLC

Author: Adam Harrison
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