How to Play House Delaque in Necromunda

Today let’s take a look at some basics of how to play and get started with Necromunda House Delaque, the pale, hairless, dishonest dastards.
The Delaque are one of the six Clan House gangs of Necromunda. House Delaque benefits from a special understanding with House Helmawr, providing not just materials but also information to the rulers of Necromunda. Delaque spies are said to operate throughout the hive, observing the activities of the other Houses. The history and hierarchy of House Delaque are all muddled in secrecy, with few knowing the truth.
Below we offer some tips on how to play the gang and get started with them.
Who Are House Delaque?
House Delaque
The first recorded instance of the Delaque occurred at some point in M36 after the rogue planet Somnus came close to Necromunda and spread a dark dream as the veil between Materium and Immaterium weakened. Many people afflicted by the dark dream soon vanished from their homes and habs. These strange occurrences took place over years, and in time the name Delaque became associated with the dreams. In time, Imperial investigators discovered the vanished had returned to the Hive and now went by the name of Delaque. These mysterious individuals began to organize themselves and slowly expand into typical gang businesses, but unlike others they had a knack for convincing people to turn to their cause.
Soon enough the Delaque came into conflict against the proud House Averest in Hive Primus. However by M38 the Delaque had already infiltrated the house and turned it against itself. More and more, they were seen in apparent alliance with House Averest and it became clear Delaque was slowly taking over. Averest changed its main industry from heavy industry and trade to that of the production of Ghast, which suited Delaque better. The Delaque themselves had also begun to change, becoming paler, hairless, and favoring heavy concealing clothing. The situation came to a head in late M38 when the last free lord of Averest, Vortus Heffrujm, called in every favor to bring down the full force of the Imperial House and Adeptus Terra upon Delaque.
Delaque Rises
During the subsequent struggle, the Averest loyalists did little to dislodge Delaque’s influence from the House. However it did manage to bring the last resistant members into the light, and the forces arrayed against Vortus are referred to only as the Crawling Shadow. It remains unknown whether or not this name is that of an elite organisation of infiltrators, a single powerful individual, or even a means of waging clandestine war, only that when enemies sought to impede the advancement of House Delaque, it was often the Crawling Shadow they faced. History does not record Vortus’ final fate, though it does record the fall of House Averest in the wake of his disappearance.
Official Imperial House records speak of a decline within the Clan House, a failing of its leaders, and worker uprisings, rampant sabotage and other calamitous events. That the newly-christened House Delaque stepped in to save their holdings says nothing of their part in acquiring them and, like everything else in its history, the story of how House Averest became House Delaque is seldom consistent.
Why Play House Delaque
The Delaque are the trickiest gang around. They can turn off the lights, have tons of silent and web weapons, and micromanipulate with as many psykers as you want. If you like playing the sneaky game, House Delaque may be the gang for you.
Strengths of the Gang
- Impressive weapon set
- Game board manipulation (lights, locks, etc.)
- Useful unique skills
Weakness of the Gang
- Pays a premium for psychic powers.
- Don’t dominate in any one area, they have to be tricky.
Delaque Signature Rules
Every Clan House gang has something special that truly defines them. Delaque have Psychoteric Whispers, which means almost any gang member can be upgraded to a Psyker, with no less than three psychic disciplines. Like most psychic powers these vary in efficacy from ‘neat’ all the way to ‘that’s gross’. The House of Shadow book contains the full rules.
House Delaque Gang Units To Know
There are lots of ways to build a gang and a variety of fighters you can use. Here are some suggestions to get you off on the right track.
Master of Shadow (Leader)
In Necromunda your gang will only ever have one leader, and the Master of Shadow will never be mistaken for the best. With access to great skills and tricky weapons, there are many fun ways to build out one.
The fancy Delaque champion, with some devastating combat weapons and effective ways to get there. Give one a spin, they are a blast.
The ‘special’ prospect themed around using Psychoteric Whispers. They have a cheap base cost, but their terrible Willpower makes them a questionable choice.
Ghost (Ganger)
The basic Delaque ganger. Everything you can say about Delaque is exemplified by the Ghost.
Piscean Spektor
The only Brute to come in a plastic box alongside its gang, the Spektor certainly deserves a shout out. It’s fast, tough, and has tentacles. Let’s go!
Delaque Spyker
The psychic monstrosity known as a Spyker is a big investment for any gang, but look at him! Doesn’t he look fun?
All hail the House of Shadows