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LotR’s Poster Boy for Wholesome Masculinity: Aragorn, King of Gondor

7 Minute Read
Sep 14 2024

Aragorn Elessar, the greatest general of the Third Age and King of Gondor, was not always the hero we know from Peter Jackson’s films.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is full of admirable guys—especially after the release of Peter Jackson’s take on the tale. But among them, Aragorn II, son of Arathorn II, might just be the most wholesome. Through the War of the Ring, he evolves from a lonely Ranger to the leader of the Men of the West. Oh yeah, he’s an absolute beast in battle—and he can pep-talk an army like nobody’s business. He’s also a fierce friend, the most humble, and a great emotional communicator. We love to see it.

An image of a popular meme that stages a conversation between Boromir, a 10, and Aragorn, an 11.

Aragorn’s Early Life

An image of Aragorn holding a sword in front of his face. The sword splits the image into two Aragorns, one who is dressed like Strider and one who is dressed for the final battle against Sauron.

Aragorn was born to the Dunedain chieftain Arathorn II and Gilraen the Fair in Third Age 2931. As a Dunedain, he had the blood of Númenor, the first kingdom of Men in the West, and was a direct descendant of Isildur, son of Elendil. As such, he was the rightful heir of Gondor and Anor, the greatest kingdoms of Men in Middle-earth. His grandmother foresaw that he would one day wear a jewel of green, a reference to the Elessari jewel.

When Aragon was 2 years old, his father was killed by an Orc arrow through the eye. He and his mother were taken to Rivendell to be fostered by Elrond. Fearing the eye of the enemy would hunt him, Elrond decided to keep Aragorn’s true identity a secret. He gave him the name Estel, and raised him alongside his own twin sons.

Estel matured quickly, and at 21, after returning from a journey with the twins, Elrond revealed his true name. He also presented Aragorn with the heirlooms of his house: the Shard of Narsil, Elendil’s broken blade, and the Ring of Barahir, a ring depicting two serpents intertwined. The next day, Elrond’s daughter Arwen returned from Lothlorien, and she and Aragorn quickly fell in love.

Before the War

In the years that followed, Aragon assisted the Men and Elves against the forces of Sauron. Under Gandalf’s advisement, he became interested in the lands around the Shire. Since his Dunedain stature made him so much taller than the men of the area, let alone the Halflings he encountered, he took the name Strider. However, his heart always returned to the lands of Men, and before long, he journeyed there in earnest.

He began in Rohan, riding to battle alongside King Thengel, Theoden’s father. After leaving Rohan, he spent many years in Gondor, advising and assisting the Steward Echtelion. While so close to the enemy, he never revealed his true heritage, both to protect the city and not stir distrust with Ecthelion. Ecthelion’s son Denethor, however, had little regard for him, likely suspecting his true heritage.

An image of Denethor making a mess of himself while he eats food.
That’s right, the guy from the worst mukbang you’ve ever seen, courtesy of New Line Cinema

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While in Gondor, he was known by the name Thornogil for the silver star he wore on his cloak. He advised Echtelion often to trust Gandalf over Saruman, another point of contention with Denethor, who cared little for Gandalf. Thorongil defended Gondor for many years, even taking the fight to the dreaded Corsairs of Umbar. However, he chose to travel elsewhere and sent a letter of farewell to Ecthelion.

Return to Rivendell and the Hunt for Gollum

An image of Elrond and Aragorn having a serious conversation on the eve of battle.
Courtesy of New Line Cinema

He spent many years after traveling the regions beyond the River Anduin, testing the loyalties of the men he met along the way. Before long, he returned to Rivendell, and when he passed through Lothlorien, the love between him and Arwen blossomed again. He gave her the Ring of Barahir as a testament to his love, and she agreed to marry him. Elrond agreed to their union on the condition that he become king of Gondor and Anor.


Upon learning of Sauron’s return, Aragorn assisted Gandalf in his hunt for the creature Gollum. Believing the creature still possessed the One Ring, they hoped to recover it and keep it out of Sauron’s hands. However, another stumbled on the Ring first, and though he did not have confirmation, Gandalf suspected the magical ring Bilbo found beneath Goblin Town was the One. Aragorn caught up to Gollum after he escaped from Mordor, and held him captive for many years. At last, he delivered him to Thranduil, king of the Mirkwood elves, for safekeeping.

The Forging and Breaking of the Fellowship

During the events of The Lord of the Rings novels, Aragorn was an active participant in the destruction of the Ring. He met with Frodo in Bree when Gandalf was waylaid and protected him from the Nazgûl that hounded him and the other Hobbits. He led them to Rivendell, where he took up Anduril, a blade forged from the broken pieces of Narsil. Upon joining the Fellowship, planned to lead them only as far as Gondor before joining with Boromir and returning to his city.

However, when Gandalf fell in Moria, he took the mantle of leadership—to the slight resentment of Boromir. As they traveled further, always his heart was towards Gondor, but he let the Ring-bearer guide their path.

An image of Boromir's body laid to rest in a small boat, his sword and shield alongside him.

When Frodo fled the Fellowship and Boromir was felled by the Uruk-Hai, Aragorn led Legolas and Gimli in pursuit of Merry and Pippin, who were being taken to Isengard. On their travels, they met Eomer of the Rohirrim, who gave them horses with the understanding that they would eventually travel to Edoras. Aragorn led his party to Fangorn, where they met a reborn Gandalf the White and traveled to Rohan to free King Theoden from his madness.

The Restoration of the Kingdoms of Men

After wresting Theoden from Saruman’s control, Aragorn rode to Helm’s Deep with the king. There, they defended the last bastion of Rohan from Saruman’s armies, and in his kingly aspect, Aragorn caused many of the Wild Men to flee the battle. At the breaking of the dawn, he heralded the return of Gandalf, Erkenbrand, and the rest of the scattered Rohirrim.

An image of Éomir, leader of the Rohirim.

After the battle, he rode north for a time with King Theoden. He then met up with Halbarad, an elvish friend from his youth. Halbarad presented him with the Standard of Elendil, a gift from Arwen, and Aragorn knew what he must do.

Riding away from his Rohan companions, he traveled to the Path of the Dead to hold the Dead Men to their oath. He led the Dead Men out of the mountain and slew the Corsairs who were coming to outflank the forces of Gondor. He took the black ships, and with a force of Dunedain, he broke the army of Gothmog, crumbling Sauron’s forces outside Gondor. However, he didn’t enter Gondor, instead appointing Prince Imrahil as the temporary steward. He visited the Houses of Healing, tending to the wounded there, before drawing his companions together.

He agreed to ride with the remnants of the army to the Black Gates to draw out Sauron’s forces. This was to keep them distracted while Frodo traveled to Mount Doom. When the Ring was at last destroyed, he rode into Gondor in triumph at last, and the people received him with joy. He took the name Elessar and became King of Gondor in earnest.

After the Fall of Darkness

An image of Aragorn wearing his new crown as the King of Gondor.
via New Line

Elessar ruled well for many years after his coronation. He named the Shire free lands and forbade Men to travel there. The Easterlings and Haradrim that surrendered to him were pardoned, and he set Faramir, son of Denethor, as Prince of Ithilien. He ruled well alongside Arwen, his queen, and had many children, but only one son, Eldarion. As was required of him by Elrond, he restored Orthanc and reclaimed the ancient kingdom of Arnor. He ruled for 122 years before dying at the age of 210. His wife followed him a few years later at the age of 2,901. Eldarion, their son, succeeded him as King of Gondor and ruled well for the years that followed.

Aragorn Magic: The Gathering, D&D, and More

A character like Aragorn is clearly tailored to fit in an RPG setting. I mean, Tolkien is one of the founding parents of fantasy fiction as we know it. There are several LotR-based games out there—The One Ring RPG has exploded in popularity since its release.

Alongside his appearance in the Peter Jackson films, Aragorn has appeared in tabletop strategy games. Most recently, the MtG Tales of Middle-earth set. His Magic appearance was a source of some contention, as he was portrayed as a person of color. Some fans decried this choice, claiming that Tolkein’s men of the West were based on Teutonic cultures. However, the cards remained, and many fans of the universe applauded the inclusivity of the set.

Of course, Aragorn is very popular in the world of memes, too. But while a lot of memes make fun of thier subjects, Aragorn is looked on fondly by pop culture.


Author: Clint Lienau
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