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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Five ‘Big Guy’ Characters We Need On The Tabletop

4 Minute Read
Sep 13 2024

Marvel: Crisis Protocol is a game with a growing roster. Here’s a few more big guy characters we want to see added to the game!

We already did some Gamma Powered folks who should be appropriately large size. But that got me thinking about some other larger than life characters that need to show up in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. These characters are the “heavies” — known for their size, strength, durability, or some other factor that makes them “large and in charge.” These are the folks you want on your side in an all-out slugfest. And the good news is we’ve already seen teasers for a few of them…


Kicking things off I want to start with Giant-Man for obvious reasons. I’m not going to do a deep dive on his character as there’s a been a few different characters to use the moniker. But I wanted to include him on this list because I think this is yet other character that Atomic Mass Games could actually model to be really large. We’re talking on a size scale of Dormammu or a Sentinel Prime. Plus, he’s already been teased before:

That’s him on the Patch Up card getting some medical attention…


I’ve mentioned Hercules before in another list of characters that could take on the Asgardians. I think Herc would be a perfect heavy hitter for sure. And if the latest version of Thor is on a larger base, then I think Hercules would fit the bill, too. Honestly, he might be the “smallest” person on this list — and that’s saying something.

Before you think I’m just pulling this character out of nowhere, let’s not forget the are tease we saw from the Ministravaganza


Yep, that’s Hercules squaring off against Abomination. And let’s not forget that Abomination is on an even bigger base than the new version of Thor…


Strong Guy


I’m going to keep bringing up the X-Factor team and it’s members until they finally show up in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. And when we eventually DO get this team, Strong Guy better be front and center. Or maybe in the back of the picture because he’s too big! Anyhow, the point is that Guido Carosella might look a bit silly but there’s no denying the strength he’s packing. This is a character that could theoretically go toe-to-toe with the Hulk for a short burst! Albeit, he probably won’t win in the end with that match-up. But that’s kind of the point — and why I’m putting him on this list!


Nimrod is the ultimate hunter of mutants. A future Sentinel that has been time displaced, he’s the threat from a dark future in Marvel. He can analyze and adapt to any mutant power and therefore become their doom. Honestly, to me, Nimrod has always been a bit of a Terminator-style villain. “It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear.” Nimrod is basically inevitable. The only thing most battles with him can hope to accomplish is to slow him down.

If you don’t believe me, you might want to check out the X-Men Hellfire Gala 2023 #1. Spoilers: Nimrod crashes the party and it’s not very nice… And on top of all that he’s also been teased from the Team Tactics cards:

I don’t think Colossus and Shadowcat are going to be able to hold off Nimrod forever…

Ben Grimm, aka The Thing


I don’t really need to get into this pick, do I? It’s The Thing! And yeah, this might be a backdoor way to call out into the void yet again for another Fantastic Four wave for MCP…but I think it’s worth it. There’s no denying that The Thing is a powerhouse. He’s got the brawn for sure. He’s a heavy-hitter and I really hope he (and the rest of the first family) come to MCP!


Author: Adam Harrison
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