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Marvel Crisis: Protocol – Sunspot & Warlock Up Close

5 Minute Read
Sep 9 2024

Marvel: Crisis Protocol’s New Mutants are in the house! We’ve got Sunspot and Warlock unboxed and up close.

Two members of the New Mutants are on the way to a tabletop near you. Atomic Mass Games sent us a review copy of the new character pack for Sunspot and Warlock for MCP and I got to tear into it. Of the two characters Sunspot is probably the higher profile of the two of them thanks to the X-Men ’97 show. But Warlock went on their fair share of adventures in the comics! But enough stalling — let’s dive in!

If you’re fan of the New Mutants drop us line in the comments and let us know!

Sunspot & Warlock Unboxing

To kick it off as we do normally here, I took a picture of all the contents laid out. If you guessed we’d get a baggy for the cards and the sprues, congratulations — you’ve seen an AMG product unboxing before. Time to bring on the sprues!


Both characters are on a single sprue. There’s Warlock on the top and Sunspot on the bottom half. Plus, we’ve got both sized bases for each character. I’m thinking of using my spare bases for…something. I kind of want the objective markers to be the same base size so I’d have a use for all the extras…



Card-wise, you get a play set for the characters and some tokens, too. You’ll also get the cards in the other supported languages — I’ve got some extras above to show off the excellent artwork on the flip side. If you want a more detailed breakdown of these two I’ve already written about them. Plus there’s better pictures of their stat and team tactics cards, too.

Sunspot & Warlock Up Close

Will the unboxing out of the way, let’s talk about these minis up close! Personally, I like them both quite a bit! I think Warlock has loads of cool details to paint up while Sunspot is bringing the heat with a fantastic pose. I know there was a little bit of pushback on this particular costume for Sunspot, but I don’t mind it honestly. Then again, I don’t have a very strong attachment to him. While I enjoy the X-Men comics, I didn’t really dabble too much with New Mutants so both of these characters are a little outside my purview.


Having said that, the New Mutants Affiliation is one that I’m looking at checking out now. I think they’ve got some fun potential and I want to give them a go. So it’s time to read-up on Sunspot and Warlock for me!


As far as the miniature goes, as mentioned, I do like this pose. Sunspot is blasting the ground with a big ole blast of fire and it’s a not-so sneaky way to have him floating off the ground. Assembly-wise, this was a pretty easy build. The only real tricky part was gluing the “miniature” to the “flame blast” but there are hand-holds cut in. I used plastic glue and it set pretty quick. But if you’re worried about it, you could use some superglue with quickset to make sure you’re not holding it all day.


I also really like the base-blast that AMG did for this model. Not only is it a clever way to help ensure the mini stays balanced, but it’s a cool look at Sunspot’s powers in action.



If you’re not familiar with Warlock, he’s an alien — and a bit of a mutant to his own Techno-Organic life back home. I think he’s an interesting character overall and if you’re unfamiliar with him you should at least check out the wiki on him. His appearance is really because he’s a Techno-Organic lifeform which is why he’s got that circuit board look going on. I really like the details for sure. I think painting him up is going to be quite the challenge mostly because his comic colors are black and gold. He’s also able to convert matter into life energy, too. That’s why his leg is “eating” that car door. I think he’s a great addition because he’s so different in style.

The character pack for these two is currently up for pre-order and has a release date of September 13, 2024. That’s this Friday!


Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Sunspot & Warlock $39.99


Despite growing up as the son of a millionaire, Roberto Da Costa made sure to challenge himself both mentally and physically, excelling in many avenues of life. Utilizing his ability to absorb and manipulate solar energy, he now makes a name for himself battling for a better age under the name Sunspot.

Warlock may appear to simply be an advanced robot of some kind, but he is actually a techno-organic life form that fled his home planet. Although his strange manner of speaking ensures he isn’t the most eloquent member of his team, he is a valuable ally that is always ready to defend his “self-friends” from any who would endanger them.


Since we’re getting the New Mutants, there’s one Mutant in particular we need and then it will be party time.

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Marvel: Crisis Protocol Apocalypse Up Close - The First Mutant