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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Unboxing The Secrets of Weapon X & Maverick

4 Minute Read
Sep 5 2024

It’s time to dive into the Weapon X Program and discover their secrets in Marvel: Crisis Protocol with this unboxing!

When we first learned that Weapon X and Maverick were coming to Marvel: Crisis Protocol I was pretty excited. Weapon X (aka Wolverine pre-X-Men) is a rather iconic time period for the character. And Maverick was one of those characters I was hoping we’d get to see added to the game at some point. Turns out that point was much sooner than I thought!

Well now we’ve got a review copy of the box from Atomic Mass Games and not only are we going to dive into the contents, but I had time to actually assemble these minis! So let’s dive right in.


Weapon X & Maverick Unboxing

Kicking things off, we’ve got the contents. We’ve seen this packaging before but I feel like it’s important to show that, yes, this is indeed an actual retail copy of the box — when you buy it, this should be the same stuff in your copy as mine.

As far as the cards, I’ve got the rule-side face up with the English versions and the flip side is just here for the art. If you’d like a full breakdown of their rules and abilities I actually covered that already — there’s better pics of the cards, too.


As for the sprues, you get the four bases and both characters on a single sprue:

It’s worth noting that Weapon X’s base on the sprue is really just “topper” piece that you’ll want to glue onto on of the other bases. I’ve got loads of spares at this point so that was easy. I’d recommend using on of the flattest ones you have for the topper.

Weapon X & Maverick Up Close

As far as the builds for these models, they go together really easily. Again, I love that the MCP sculpts have hard plastics and still use that “lock and key” system. Meaning most of the bits only fit on the model in a specific way. While that does limit the posing to a set pose, you only need one mini for these characters…so it’s great. And the details are fantastic.


Weapon X

I absolutely love this pose for Weapon X. He’s got the weird VR helmet. He’s got the giant electronic belt on. And he looks insane wearing no cold weather clothing and wondering in the snow. I suppose you could paint the ground to not be snow…but this is a nod to a certain moment in his history.

As an aside, while I’m looking forward to painting Weapon X up and bringing him in my lists I’m not looking forward to having to paint on the arm, chest, and leg hairs…


Maverick, on the other hand, should be pretty easy to paint. He’s basically wearing his classic look with maybe a hint of his Team X look. Either way, I like this one. His details are really nice and I appreciate that the sculptors at AMG have really done a lot of the heavy lifting with the textures on these minis. The line work is SUPER easy to work with and around. And if you take your time you can get some cool results.


This Character Pack comes out officially on September the 13, 2024. It’s available for pre-order right now from Asmodee.


Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Weapon X & Maverick $39.99

“The Weapon X Program is coming to Marvel: Crisis Protocol! This product includes a new version of Wolverine—the savage, indestructible, and uncontrollable Weapon X. In addition it features the player’s first chance to paint and field Maverick, a former freedom fighter turned mercenary whose painful past led him to the Weapon X Program. “


I wouldn’t mind a Team X version for both these characters…and Sabertooth.


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Marvel: Crisis Protocol - 'Dark Future' Terrain Kit Unboxed