Now That Modders Have Full Run of ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’, Wyll Can Cuddle Again

Promising a whole “Wyll Cinematic Universe” intrepid modders have made new custom cutscenes, showing the real potential of the game.
When Skyrim came out thirteen years ago (and several times again since then, as recently as three years ago), it was quickly hailed as a masterpiece despite buggy performance. With a boatload of memes that helped launch it into the stratosphere, it was Game of the Year for like four or five years running for many folks. And a big reason for that was the mods.
Baldur’s Gate 3 has been out for little more than a year now. And it’s still going strong. Memes. Characters spilling out everywhere. And while there isn’t yet a Baldur’s Gate equivalent of “Hey you, you’re finally awake” BG3 does have Down, Down, Down by the River.
The point is, though, that what mods did for Skyrim, they’re poised to do and then some for Baldur’s Gate, as a new custom cutscene shows.
Brightest Star – A New Wyll Custom Cinematic Means It’s Only a Matter of Time Before the Internet Makes It Real Weird
A new mod, titled Brightest Star, unlocks a new act 3 romance scene for Wyll. This mod is a huge achievement for the two-person team of Aimyrax and Magnetuning over on Nexusmods. Especially since it doesn’t use the Mod Toolkit—it’s all done in XML. The scene itself is one of many cries for “justice for Wyll” as the Warlock with an ill-fated pact often gets the shortest end of the stick when it comes to both love from the fans and content from the developers.
Wyll can quite readily disappear into the background if you’re not careful. But. The die-hard Wyll fans are out there—in fact, as the mod team puts it, this is just the beginning.
“This mod is the first in a series of mods by Aimryax and I, dedicated to adding more content for Wyll—the Wyll Cinematic Universe, or WCU.
As for the mod itself, it repurposes an animation used in early access, allowing Wyll to cuddle with anyone, regardless of body type. Which is huge.
It also rings a gong and starts a clock ticking down. Because once you can start repurposing animations the race is on to see who can make it weirdest and horniest first. I guarantee you someone out there is already thinking “hey what about that one scene from the goblin camp…”
And then thinking, “well what if we took this animation and used it with [insert favorite NPC companion here]’s feet.” Shadowheart’s feet, Lae’zel’s talons, you name it there’s going to be a mod for it, eventually. If it’s not already there.
But, whether you’re looking forward to getting to do more wholesome and unwholesome things with Wyll, or really getting in their on those elf toes, mods for Baldur’s Gate 3 will keep the game fresh for years to come.
This is only the beginning!