Pathfinder’s ‘Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries’ Will Explore ‘How To Be A God’

Pathfinder’s upcoming book, Divine Mysteries, explores everything to do with Golarion’s gods – and player characters.
We all know that if someone asks you if you’re a god, you say “yes.” But, now you might actually have cause to answer how you got to be that way. For in Pathfinder’s newest book, the out-for-pre-order Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries, it is a romp through the mysteries of Golarion’s gods. Whether you’re adding new archetypes or looking for new gods, or even how to be one, there’s a ton of divine new lore and more to dig into.

Pathfinder: Divine Mysteries – A Book of Faiths and Followers
As you may well have come to expect from these setting books, this book will add more player options. You can expect to see new witch patrons, new archetypes, and class archetypes, giving you new feats, abilities, and more. But DMs will find themselves drawn to the new gods explore in the book.
And if you’ve ever had a question about the divine in Golarion, this sourcebook should round out your character’s story, whether that’s as a faithful follower, an agnostic, or someone seeking divine power themselves. One of the big things the book explores is how a god rises and what happens when one dies.
“The influence of all-powerful deities is felt in every corner of the Lost Omens setting. Whether you’re a valorous champion calling the righteous power of your patron down upon wicked foes, or a sneaky rogue asking the god of thievery for a blessing on your next heist, faith and the forces behind it are key to every character’s identity. Within this volume, you’ll find details on the gods and non-deific faiths of the Age of Lost Omens from the perspective of their clergy and lay worshippers. The book alsogr ants a glimpse into the machinations of a god, exploring how a new god rises, why a god takes worshippers in the first place, and what occurs when a god dies.”

Inside this 320-page book, you’ll find some of the following:
- New Witch Patrons
- Rivethun Emissary Archetype
- Cleric Battle Harbinger Archetype
- Updated New Domains, Spells, and Other Mechanics