‘PIRATE BORG: Down Among the Dead’ Unearths a Treasure Trove of Goodies For “The Worst Pirate TTRPG Ever Made”

PIRATE BORG: Down Among the Dead is a three-adventure anthology, a starter set, and a treasure trove of other things for PIRATE BORG.
Listen up, me hearties, PIRATE BORG is the kind of game that knows exactly what it is. It even calls itself “the worst pirate ttrpg ever made” which should tell you everything you need to know—it’s the worst just like how Blackbeard was the worst pirate scourge the British Navy ever faced.
It’s got that piratical ethos that will have you calling your friends scurvy bilge dogs as you adventure in the MORK BORG inspired realm of undead magic pirates.
PIRATE BORG: Down Among the Dead is a terrible new expansion for PIRATE BORG that adds a boatload of plunder (new player options, adventures, GM resources and tables, etc.) to the game.
Down Among the Dead – A Kraken-Sized Expansion for PIRATE BORG
At its core, PIRATE BORG: Down Among the Dead is a new expansion for its parent RPG. There are three new adventures gathered into a gorgeous hardcover book. Within its pages, you’ll find not just new adventures, but new modular rulesets, including options for generating new locations, making adventures, and more. That’s Down Among the Dead.
But Pirates are both greedy for treasure and generous with it. Alongside the Down Among The Dead anthology, there’s also Cabin Fever, a second hardcover book. Cabin Fever is a community creation showcase, filled with work from more than dozen design teams as part of a PIRATE BORG game jam. Inside are hosts of new options, including new player classes, new tables, new adventures, and more.
Finally, there’s also the new PIRATE BORG Starter Set—and what a missed opportunity to not call it the Starrrter set, just saying. But name aside, this boxed set gets you a new adventure, as well as a Player’s Guide, combat tokens, encounter maps, and of course custom dice.
And of course, Kickstarter being what it is, there are plenty more accessories already unlocked as the treasure map of stretch goals takes them into deeper waters where richer goods lie in wait.
Now get out there and shiver some timbers!