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Plasmodics – RPG Of “Mutant Freaks in the Weird Future” Promises Post-Apocalyptic Gonzo Sci-Fi

2 Minute Read
Sep 4 2024

Do you like your sci-fi weird, wild, and wet? In like a slimy, pulsating kind of way? You may want to check out Plasmodics on Kickstarter.

Sci-fi games have a whole range of aesthetics and genre tropes to play with from the swords and sorcery of something like a Starfinder or Dragon Star to the space operatics of your Stars War or the cold isolating horror of an ALIEN RPG. But those are far from the only brushes in the toolkit. Plasmodics is a game about mutant freaks in the weird future outlines.

Plasmodics – A Game of Mutant Freaks in the Weird Future

Plasmodics is all about making a weird little guy, which, as we’ve said previously, is the key to any successful RPG. But you have all sorts of ways to create a “mutant freak.” You’ll pick from human, animal, robot, and alien. Along the way, you’ll find all sorts of things that give you advantages, like a second brain or the ability to manipulate time fields.

Within the 118 page book, currently on Kickstarter, you’ll find everything you need to play, including ways to alter your body and mind, change your perceptions, and really just get wild.

You can check out the full rules as they are as part of a preview, there’s no art, but you can play the game in its entirety.

“Plasmodics is the tabletop roleplaying game of post-apocalyptic, gonzo sci-fi, where (sorta) humans, (kinda) animals, (mostly) robots, and (definitely) aliens join hand-in-mutated-hand.

You play the Plasmodics. The world and its debris are yours to play in. Uncover odd artifacts, wrestle with opposing factions and your cryptic alliances, and see what this weird world has to offer.

With four categories of mutations (physical, mental, plant, and meta), simple rules for keeping track of the ongoing havoc of the world, and a unique setting known as the King Tide, there’s plenty of stuff here whether you’re looking for something made for a one-shot or an ongoing session.

Get real weird!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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