Star Wars: Shatterpoint – ‘Maximum Firepower’ Introduces General Veers & The Snow Troopers

Atomic Mass Games is previewing the rules for General Veers and the Snow Troopers with the Maximum Firepower Squad Pack.
Sometimes your problems can be solved with the correct application of firepower. In the case of General Veers, that amount just happens to be “maximum” for his needs. It’s time to bring the BOOM and call in the big guns of the Empire with the latest rules previews for Star Wars: Shatterpoint.
General Veers
“Veers represents a certain breed of Imperial officer, one steeped in the discipline and hierarchy of the military and with firm conviction toward the cause of galactic subjugation. He has proven to be stalwart and unflinching even in interactions with such terrifying individuals as Darth Vader. His confidence played a part in his success during the attack on Hoth, guiding his forces in a surface assault against the shield generators powering the energy shield which protected the rebels from bombardment. Though he appeared to have been taken out of commission by a stray snowspeeder crashing into his AT-AT’s cockpit, rumor has it the stalwart general survived to resume his duties elsewhere.”
General Veers has a set of skills befitting an Officer of the Galactic Empire. The one I’d like to point out is “We Are The Storm” as it’s a rather interesting play. It allows Veers to choose an objective and then present the enemy with a pair of bad options. Each enemy character within Range 2 of the objective can either move or take a flat 3 damage. Friendly near the objective only take 1 damage in return. I think this is a brutal play. Your opponent is faced with a really tough decision: take the damage and hold the line or retreat off the objective costing them VPs. Depending on when this ability gets used it can royally screw up their plans. Worst case scenario they have to spend action economy to move back into range to contest/score. I think this is a great ability for the choice it presents!
Combat-wise, General Veers isn’t a slouch…but He’s also no Jedi! He does come with some pretty good defenses all things considered and good ranged threats. His damage tracks aren’t bad either! You probably won’t want him in combat all the time but he’s not one to avoid it either.
Snowtrooper Lieutenant
As the Secondary Unit for the Squad Pack the Snowtrooper Lieutenant is a bit of a workhorse. It’s worth noting that he’s still a Stormtrooper in terms of Keywords so remember that if you’re looking to mix-and-match other leaders and squads. Part Imperial Officer and part front-line soldier he’s got good supporting options to lean on. It’s worth noting that he’s got a way to remove one condition from another Galactic Empire Supporting Unit with “Press On” and another way to remove a condition from Trooper characters with Commanding Presence — albeit at the cost of taking a damage.
His stance card is pretty basic but that’s not a bad thing. With good damage options and some extra move or healing options he’s versatile in that regard. Good armor and okay combat attacks means his going to have to be used in concert with his fellows and not left on his own to solo the enemy team!
Snowtroopers continue the trend of Supporting Units being pretty okay. What these troopers do a little differently is their ability to take damage to do more things. Forced March allows them to take a damage to remove a condition. Assault Tactics allows them to take a damage to perform a focus action after moving. If you’re noticing a trend here, the Snowtroopers are going to be pretty hard to pin down with Conditions when brought in with the Snowtrooper Lieutenant!
Their attacks are both 5s and their defenses are better vs range than melee. So keep that in mind! I do like that their damage track has a few ways to get some healing, too. They are going to need that to stay in the fight. Who knows, they might just surprise everyone and stick around much longer than they should in a fight!
The Maximum Firepower Squad Pack has a release date of November 1, 2024 and is currently up for pre-order.
Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Maximum Firepower Squad Pack $49.99
The Maximum Firepower Squad Pack introduces The Empire’s iconic and tactical commander, General Veers. From his first movie appearance in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back™, Veer’s is a tactical force, using the strength of Snowtroopers to brutal efficiency.
General Veer’s abilities provide support for troopers, with tactical movement, strengthening their abilities and defenses. The Snowtroopers are powerful troopers, with Commanding Presence and Sharpshooters, gaining bonuses from Veers abilities. Together this Squad Pack is an exciting addition to Star Wars: Shatterpoint.