Star Wars: Shatterpoint – ‘This Is The Way’ Squad Preview Brings In The Mandalorians

Star Wars: Shatterpoint is adding the Mandalorians to the game. It’s time to see what they are going to do on the tabletop!
A new squad pack is showing us all “This Is The Way” with the Armorer, Paz Vizsla, and a pair of Covert Mandolarians. We’ve got the latest rules preview for them and we’re going to be taking a closer look. Time to polish up that armor and check your weapons. Here come the Mandolarians!
“After the destruction of Mandalore by the Empire, many thought that Mandalorians would go extinct, fading into the greater diaspora of the galaxy. However, adherents of the Way of the Mandalore found ways to survive and keep their culture and peoples strong by forming coverts hidden in abandoned spaces or underground away from prying eyes.”
The Armorer
Kicking things off we have The Armorer who is the Primary Unit. They have 9SP to spend and you’re going to use those on your fellow Mandalorians below. As far as abilities you can see them above but the one ability I want to call out specifically is the “Just As We Shape Mandalorian Steel, We Shape Ourselves.” Not only is this a mouthful, but it also makes her one of the toughest characters around. Not only does she come with 10 health, but she’s also going to gain a defensive die vs Melee attacks for every 3 damage and every injured token she has! You’re going to have to toss a LOT of damage her way to get past her defenses.
Attack-wise, the Armorer really doesn’t play the whole “ranged attack” game. She perfers to get up close and smash faces and she’s got the stances to do just that! You can lean more on other offensive side with Strength of the Hammer or you can go more defensive with Insight of the Forge. It’s really your call based on the situation you’re in.
Paz Vizsla
“Paz Vizsla is a member of the Tribe and a member of Clan Vizsla, a long and storied Mandalorian family, and carries the strength of his story into all he does. As a hulking warrior he often takes on the role of leader, heavy support, and defender, and that’s represented in Shatterpoint.”
Paz is a straight up tank and dishes out some respectable damage for sure. The one ability I wanted to point out for him was the “Go. There Are Too Many. This Is The Way.” because this ability has a high cost but can be a game changer. When he becomes Wounded he can basically shrug the attack for two Injured Tokens. You lose the Wounded token, and all damage and also one condition. And then you can make a 5 dice attack against the character that wounded him. That ability allows him to stay in the fight on a pivotal turn and possibly take out the person that was attacking him. If he’s holding an objective it’s an even meaner play!
He’s also packing two stances to choose from. These are both good options depending on the situation you find yourself in with Paz. The good news is that Paz does well at range or up close — there’s not a bad option unless you’re his enemy!
Covert Mandalorians
Finally, we have the Supporting Unit that is the Covert Mandalorians. I have said in other articles how I feel about Supporting Units in general. The gist is that I both hate them and love them. When they hold out for longer than they should for me, they end up being the VIP. But when they spike their damage and take out my Primary Unit it’s demoralizing. This unit is no exception to my feelings in that regard. Are they useful? Yes. They are also tanky for a Supporting unit thanks to Protection from having their order card in the deck or in reserve.
They are also rather versitile with their attacks due to their Mandalorian Armaments. Am I blown away by them? No. But only because I don’t rely on my Support Units to do anything. That way when they do ANYTHING I can be pleasantly surprised.
Their attacks aren’t crazy but you do have lots of options. And their defenses are good enough for a Support Unit. It’s also worth noting they are 4PC to bring so judge them accordingly!
The This Is The Way Squad Pack is out for pre-order now and has a release date of November 1, 2024.
Star Wars: Shatterpoint – This Is The Way Squad Pack $49.99
The This Is The Way (Mandalorian Covert) Squad Pack brings fan-favorite characters, The Armorer, Paz Vizsla, and the covert Mandalorians to the tabletop!
With thematic poses and engaging gameplay, this character pack adds more Mandalorians to Star Wars™: Shatterpoint. Giving gamers and hobbyists more iconic miniatures to expand their collection.
If nothing else, you can’t deny that Mando style!