Steamforged Games: P3 Paints Kickstater Already 1100% Funded And Growing

P3 Paints are coming back thanks to Steamforged Games. It’s already hit it’s funding goal and it’s only going to go up from here!
I reported last month that P3 Paints are coming back via a Kickstarter campaign. Well, that campaign is off and running and boy, oh boy are fans responding! As of writing, the campaign has already hit over 1100% of the funding goal. P3 Paints are back!
P3 Paints Kickstarter 1100% Funded
There’s really not much else to say about this one! The fans are clearly excited about it with over 2,600 people pledging for this one. The funding deadline is Friday, September 20, 2024 and it’s going to be funded — the next question is just how high this one will go?
Unfortunately the early bird pledge has already passed. But you can still snag these paints from the Kickstarter. What’s really neat is that you can choose which types of lids you want — either the dropper or the classic lids.
I can see the advantage of both but I’m personally leaning towards the dropper bottles myself. Why? Because they include the mixing balls and that really does make a world of difference.
There are various different pledge tiers so you don’t have to go all in if you don’t want to. The starter Pledge has a 10-paint set with some rather iconic colors:
From there it gets pretty crazy. There’s the Hobby Pledge that has 50 paints and the Master Pledge which has a complete set of 100 paints.
I’ll be honest, I’m really eyeing that Starter Pledge for me personally. It’s got a good spread of colors and I really want that Thamar Black! The estimated deliver date is March of 2025 as well. These are going to end up in retails stores (eventually). So I think, for me, the 10-paint set is pretty much what I’d need to hold me over.
I’ve been painting more recently but I’m pretty slow on the painting consumption train. I’m the type of person who will go to the local shop and grab a paint pot or two at a time anyhow. That might not be you and you might prefer to get the entire set all at once. More power to you — I just don’t have a need for ALL those paints just yet.
Plus, even though I’m a fan of what Steamforged Games has been doing, I’d still like to get some hands on time with these paints before I go all in. I really liked P3’s line previously and I’m VERY curious to give these a go. But again, I don’t know if I am the type of hobbyist that needs 100 paints immediately.
Also, don’t forget to include your estimated shipping either. The good news is that Steamforged Games has had several successful Kickstarters in the past so I’m pretty confident that they are going to be able to get your paints to you as a backer.
And one last thing: this not an advertisement for them. They didn’t pay me or send me product in this case. I just think P3 paints coming back is that big of a deal and I want to spread the word. Steamforged Games makes good stuff and I’m looking forward to getting my hands on these paints!
P3 Paints are BACK!