The D&D Cartoon Characters Star in 5.5E’s First Adventure: ‘Uni And The Hunt For The Lost Horn’

Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn might well be the first “official” adventure to use the 5.5E ruleset, and it can be yours on D&D Beyond.
Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn was a free WPN store adventure, and it is also (at least as of press time) available on D&D Beyond if you go and claim your copy. Then you, too, can adventure with the characters from the D&D cartoon on a quest to save Uni the Unicorn from the foul sorcerer Kelek.
It’s a short one-shot adventure. But if you’re wondering how the new ruleset works and want a teaser of even more D&D 5.5E stat blocks, this is your chance to peek into the future, at least a little. Also, you’ll find character sheets for the D&D cartoon characters, which is always a fun time.

Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn Proves Someone At WotC Really Loved That 80s Cartoon
In addition to being a one-shot adventure, this is also a sort of canonical (from a certain point of view) follow-up to the story of the D&D animated series. Included are premade characters that correspond to each of the characters from the cartoon, but they are no longer children; they’re all grown up and grown up.
And, tellingly, each is level 4. No more one-shots at level 1. Nobody likes those. But there’s a reason for that level-up – after returning to their homeworld and growing up into full adults, the characters have been reunited and drawn back into the Realm of Dungeons & Dragons. Which, honestly? If that happened to me, it’d be a relief.
“Uni the unicorn needs your help! The evil sorcerer Kelek has stolen her horn to power a nefarious ritual – and only you can stop him. Together with your party, free Uni from evil and reclaim her stolen magic in this enchanting adventure.
Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn is designed for four to six level 4 characters and meant to be played in a single session. Claim this adventure now to unlock it for use with D&D Beyond.”

You’ll also get a peek at stats for the 5.5E version of Blink Dogs, Bugbear Warriors, Bullywug Warriors, Bullyug Bog Sages, an NPC Mage, and Worgs, though these may not be the final versions in the 2025 Monster Manual; they give a good indication of what to expect.