Truth or Dare Questions for Fun, Intrigue, and Feeling Like a Kid Again

These truth or dare questions are great for any occasion, from an old-fashioned sleepover to getting to know a new crowd.
Truth or dare. It’s a game as old as time itself (probably). They were definitely having sleepovers in the Paleolithic era. Well, you can’t prove me wrong. Truth or dare questions have helped people get to know each other for an incalculable number of generations. You can play it anywhere with anyone who consents! All you need are some good questions and dares for your fellow players.
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The Rules and Variations
Truth or Dare is as simple as the title implies. Someone will give you a choice between truth and dare. If you choose truth, you have to answer whatever question they ask with honesty. And if you choose dare then they’ll dare you do something and you have to do it! Once you’re done, you now get to choose another player and ask them, “Truth or dare?”
In games like this, it’s important to consider who you’re playing with—a game with a family full of kids is a very different vibe than a game at a college party. Read the room. When it comes to dares, it’s important to consider everyone’s bodily autonomy. You can be silly and even a little wild, but don’t put yourself or others in unreasonable danger. Dares of a spicy nature should only be played after consent is discussed. The goal here is fun—let’s keep it that way.
Two Truths and a Dare
In the regular version of the game, anyone can choose “truth” or “dare”. So if the whole group just wants to play the honesty game, that’s totally fine! But an alternative rule demands that if two “truth”s occur in a row, the next person has no choice—they have to choose “dare”.
Juicy Truth or Dare Questions
Usually, when playing with a group of semi-acquainted adults, you want your truth-or-dare questions to be juicy, maybe even spicy. Learning all about the personal quirks of your friends can, but doesn’t necessarily include what happens in the bedroom.
The Truth and Nothing But the Truth
Everyone’s got guilty pleasures.
- What is your favorite bad movie?
- Do you have a favorite song that’s absolutely cringeworthy?
- What item of clothing do you love to wear even though it probably belongs in the trash?
- Have you ever been attracted to a fictional character?
- Who is your most “okay but hear me out” celebrity crush?
Create a “desert island” scenario.
- Who here would you choose if you had to be stuck on a desert island with someone?
- You can only watch one trash TV show for the rest of your life—which one is it?
Getting personal—
- What’s your most embarrassing nickname?
- What are you red/green flags in a relationship?
- Have you ever mooned someone in public before?
- What does your dream job/house/partner look like?
- Do you believe in ghosts/aliens/various cryptids?
I Choose “Dare”
- Prank calls—always a classic.
- Sensory grossness: I dare you to smell/taste/touch something gross or uncomfortable (but not dangerous!)
- Act out something silly—a runway walk, a silly accent, or famous characters can be really entertaining.
- Sing a silly song in public. Favorites include “I’m a Little Teapot,” anything by Journey, or literally any disco classic.
- Do something silly on your social media—from faking a major life change to posting embarrassing pictures, photographic evidence is great.
- Initiate the ol’ “makeout with this pillow” routine with a (reasonable) object
Playing Truth or Dare With the Family
If you’re playing truth or dare with kiddos, the tone changes quite a bit. But it’s still very possible to have a good time with a couple of lil ones in the rotation. Try to think less about asking revealing questions or tasks and think about engaging the imagination.
- Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
- What’s the one animal you’d want to pet if you could?
- If you could be an animal/plant, what would you be?
- You can be really really big or really really small for a day, which would you choose?
- What is your favorite taste/sound/smell/feeling in the whole world?

- Make the silliest face you can.
- Only talk in a funny voice for the next round.
- Put an item of clothing on backward and wear it for the rest of the game.
- Sing a silly song out loud in front of everyone.
- Pretend to be your favorite superhero/animal/celebrity/family member (you can include rules about when to stop)
How to Play Truth or Dare With Your Game Night Friends
Few crowds turn into a bunch of horny teenagers after a few drinks like a D&D campaign party does. Let’s just say that the Venn Diagram between “likes D&D” and “a member of the BDSM community” has a pretty large center section. I don’t make the rules, I just make observations.
That having been said, be mindful of consent. Just because your Bard can hit on everyone doesn’t mean those boundaries stay the same IRL. Always err on the side of courtesy and everyone will have a good time.