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Warhammer 40K: 5 Of The Goofiest Space Marine Units Ever Created

4 Minute Read
Sep 11 2024

Space Marines are the largest range of miniatures from Games Workshop. They haven’t all been winners. These five units take the cake.

When it comes to fantastic plastic miniatures Games Workshop still makes some of the best ones out there. However, when you’re pumping out as much stuff as they do they can’t all be the “best” all the time. Occasionally, a miniature or unit comes out that makes us stop and think, “oh…okay. I guess that’s a thing now.”

And when it comes to Space Marines in particular, they’ve got the largest range of miniatures from Games Workshop so naturally there have been a few units that left us scratching our heads. Now, some of these miniatures might be fantastic on the tabletop. The problem is getting over the goofy factor and actually bringing them to play with. Here’s out list of five of the goofiest Space Marine miniatures.

Land Speeder Vengeance

We’re going to start with one that’s relatively tame. Fans “lovingly” dubbed this one the Dark Angels DJ Booth due to the Marine on the top and his two “speaker boxes” blastin’ the tunes.  I remember when this miniature was released and the reaction was one of confusion and laughter. We all knew this was take on an up-gunned Land Speeder. However, after the reaction the players had to the miniature, it’s no surprise this uh…”variant” didn’t take off to other Chapters.

Stormtalon Gunship


It’s the little gunboat that could. Again, we’re not basing this list on the effectiveness of the unit but purely on aesthetics. The Stormtalon has always looked just a tad goofy. I’ve heard it called “a golf ball with guns” before. And that was one of the nicer things. I can kind of see what GW was going for with this unit. It’s probably a take on the MH-6 “Little Bird” or rather it’s attack variant the AH-6. A smaller aircraft with quite the payload it does deliver the goods. It just doesn’t look that menacing or imposing as it does so…

Primaris Invader ATV


I don’t really think I need to dog-pile too much onto this ATV, do I? Aside from the fact that the diver is either going to be deaf and/or blind from the onslaught gatling cannon blasting overhead, this vehicle just looks…well, you can see it! Again, I get what GW as going for as it’s likely a take on the Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV) that was based off a Chenowth dune buggy. I just don’t think this take does it justice. I would have off-set the gunner from the driver and I personally would have given this a tad more ground clearance. But hey, not all Space Marine vehicles are supposed to be designs that work in the real world, right?!

Logan Grimnar on Stormrider

Is it Christmas already? No? Oh right, that’s just Logan Grimnar on Stormrider. My bad. This is another one of those miniatures that I think sounded a lot cooler on paper than in reality. At least this one got the fan treatment:

Personally, I do hope that Logan Grimnar DOES get a new miniature eventually and he’s off this sleigh ride. Also, is it still a sleigh if it’s being pulled by wolves instead of reindeer or horses?


Desolation Squad

I mean…really? Look, I know this unit can pump out some serious firepower. But really??! These guns remind me of GI Joe EXTREME — and to be clear that’s not a good thing. These things are the Annihilator 2000 from Beverly Hills Cop III. Which, yeah, it might be the “ultimate survival tool” but c’mon. It’s too bad these weren’t revealed in April of 2023. That would have been a nice gag.


Space Marines have gotten a lot of goofy miniatures over the years but let us know which is your “favorite” in the comments.

Author: Adam Harrison
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