Warhammer 40K: Chaos Legion Codexes – Please Come Back!

Goatboy with today’s question – Where the heck has Chaos gone in the last few months? It just kills me that the Grimdark’s Chaos Legions aren’t getting codexes for a long while. GW, what is up?
The most annoying thing is we have already had basically four Space Marine releases compared to the one Chaos Space Marine release so far.
So Many Space Marine Codexes
Yes one of those releases basically killed a “supplement” (sorry Death Watch), but at least GW gave them a definitive answer instead of players waiting to see if they ever got a codex. The Deathwatch release basically crushed, smushed, and shoved them into Codex: Imperial Agents.
The only one we are missing for Space Marines right now is Space Wolves and while it would be nice to get new models we do have a somewhat workable army in the Wolf Jail options we have. It isn’t the best, but really, the Stormlance Detachment should be labeled the Stormwolf Detachment and call it a day. It just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to not get a new Chaos book with at least two armies that don’t need a ton of updates.
Death Guard & Thousand Sons – Pretty Please?
Why aren’t we getting a new Death Guard or a new Thousand Sons codex? Both of these armies could use a refresh with Death Guard needing some tweaks to their rules to bring them back up, and Thousand Sons need tweaks to tone them back down a bit. Both of these books don’t need new models beyond a weird character or really just an updated codex that calls it a day?
This shouldn’t be a hard release and feels like something that could get shoved in between the big releases for Aeldari and Astra Militarum. A nice little codex, some fluff talking about how hey hate one of the other releases, and we can call it a day. I just would love to see it so we get an idea on how these chaos Cult Legion codexes will look.
We know on the Space Marine supplements we have usually three detachments, three splits of their current detachment rules, and usually a nice rules clean up. I can expect that for both of the Chaos books as it should be simple to do. Just look at the Death Guard for example.
Cult Legion Codex Layouts
I expect one that is all about Mortarion and how he works his army. I can see some kind of stinky Daemon Engine style build too. I then also think we have a Typhus build that goes hard on the Poxwalkers and other things to help break the army into three tiers of play. It just feels pretty easy and with an army that doesn’t need new model love (but would love it) it would be awesome.
The Thousand Sons would have three detachments as well with something that goes hard with Magnus and some kind of cabal coven idea. You then have Ahriman and his “rebels” to create a unique idea. The final one I would expect to be something Tzaangor-focussed with Spawns and other monstrous things that are not space suits powered by ghostly dust.
These feel like easy releases and would just let the game get more filled out, fix some issues, and give players more options. I didn’t talk about the World Eaters as we all know the army feels like it needs more stuff and just hope we get a big sweet release whenever the angry bois finally come out. Give me some dope looking Chaos Spawn, maybe some World Eater bikers again, and other cool stuff to help fill this all out.
What do you think? Should we get more Chaos books quicker just to get everyone something fun to play with? Are you as sad as I am we don’t have Chaos stuff in the roadmap?
Don’t even get me started on Chaos Daemons, I got a bad feeling about them…