Warhammer 40K: ‘Codex: Blood Angels’ Best Fight Phase Stratagems

Goatboy here with the best Stratagems from Codex:Blood Angels to super power your space vampires during the Fight Phase.
While we won’t be getting anything crazy new for 40K for a bit (maybe a dataslate/points/etc) we still have Codex: Blood Angels to dissect. I like the codex and continue to think of it as project army #2 as the rest of it comes out. Don’t fret, Adeptus Custodes Muscle Mommies are coming – and then I think a Blood Angels army project will be after that. Still let’s rate the top 5 Fight Phase Strats for the Blood Angels from this new book.
5. Armour of Contempt – Liberator Assault Group, The Lost Brethren, The Angelic Host – 1CP
Hey this is the Stratagem we all love to hate when playing against any of the Space Marine armies. If you are coming in hot with a bunch of AP -1 attacks and you watch with dismay as your opponent pops this Strat (a lot of the time for free off a captain). Then you have to try and chew through a ton of 2+ or 3+ saves and hope for the best. It is still one of the best, and at 1 CP, it is an amazing Fight Phase tool for this assault-based army.
4. Final Retribution – The Lost Brethren – 1CP
Hey, I hear you like Fight-on-Death powers, and this is the updated one. Thankfully, it isn’t an auto fight-on-death which I feel will be going away from the armies that have one for now beyond a select few (attached to characters). Trust me that being able to do it on a 3+ if a Chaplain is nearby is very powerful! Especially on this army full of crazy monsters that love to throw hits in close combat.
3. Martial Exemplars – The Angelic Host – 1CP
Getting Lethal Hits and Precision seems like a good combo for an assault unit. Precision is one of those abilities that could be devastating when you get a chance to hit a unit, your unit sees that leader, and watch as you remove that poor Cryptek’s head from his mechanical body. I think the real power of course is the Lethal hits option, which gives you the ability to go after tough units via a flurry of close combat feats of awesome.
2. Furious Onslaught – The Lost Brethren – 1CP
Getting the chance to move up to 6 inches when you make a Pile-In move is pretty powerful. There are many times just being able to swarm an enemy and lock a ton of the models down can be very powerful – especially when you throw in such a rough assault unit. It also lets you get closer to an objective or get the ability to shuffle around. Having a Chaplain nearby also lets you guarantee a 6” move instead of the initial d3+3 option you get. NICE!
1. Red Rampage – Liberator Assault Group – 1CP
The updated version of this Strat – lets you pick Lethal or Lance when your unit fights. If you decide to give into the Red Rampage, you become battleshocked but get both abilities which can really amplify your units damage potential. Getting +2 to your Strength and a +1 attack on top of Lance means a lot of the time you are wounding on twos with rerolls to hit with your Death Company options. You can throw in a Chaplain on Foot who can use their once-a-game ability to turn off Battle Shock, and you easily then control an objective while you stand in a pool of your enemy’s blood. Heck, if you have Lemartes leading the unit, you don’t even have to submit to the Thirst, as you already get Lethal Hits.
For Sanguinius!