‘Warhammer 40K: Darktide’ is Fully Unlocked and Loaded with New Update

A massive update to Warhammer 40K: Darktide is here, at last, and with unrelenting hordes to boot. Rise up, rejects!
Warhammer 40K: Darktide‘s new Unlocked and Loaded is freshly released as of a day or so ago. And with it, comes an all new event, huge changes to the way the game is played, and of course, a gorgeous new trailer to show it all off. So kit yourself out, and let’s see what’s new on Tertium.
Unlocked and Loaded
This is a massive update. So big that its patch notes come in four parts. And that’s just to start. Because alongside the new update is also the unrelenting hordes live event, that gives you plenty of chances to use your new toys.
“A platoon of Moebian 21st soldiers has been infected by the Blight. Their armour will make them harder to deal with than the usual hordes you encounter.
Play missions with a set of new Special Conditions, “Infected Moebian 21st”, and as a team collect Grimoires or Scriptures to earn rewards. This condition will only be available during the event and will appear on both the Standard and Auric mission terminals.”
That’ll unlock some choice rewards. But more excitingly, there’s new talent trees to play with. Weapons have been changed. Thunder Hammers are good now. Or again, depending on your point of view. There’s just a lot to love about the new update. It’s live now, and Darktide is on sale on Steam at press time, if you’ve been thinking of jumping in.