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Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Ugh, What a Lackluster Preview!

3 Minute Read
Sep 3 2024
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Goatboy here with today’s 40K Hot Mess  asking the question – what the heck happened with that NOVA GW Preview?

The NOVA roadmap preview was really a very fuzzy roadmap of the future of 40K.  It really felt like a lackluster bit of options as we didn’t get any new models, we only got the hope for 3 new codexes next year, and saw the rest of year being AOS and the recent release of Blood Angels.  What a let down.

What a Grimdark Letdown…

Just like this season’s ending of the House of the Dragon – we are left waiting a while for all the cool 40K stuff to come out.  I am happy we got some hints to new codexes coming even though they are armies I do not like most of the time.  I just wish we had more to show for it.  It feels like we could have at least have some Aeldari stuff shown due to all the rumors of plastic Aspect Warriors being done already.

Heck why didn’t GW just show a silhouette of a Warp Spider Phoenix lord?  Why not some other fun Kill Team like bits or hints.  Just simple little things to get everyone excited, since we are now apparently waiting for 4-5 months for the next codex?

I know how GW likes to release things towards the end of the year with a big batch of Xmas Bundles (oh man I can’t wait to see these), terrain kits, and piles of plastic.  I know will hopefully see some big pushes with Spearheads and Combat Patrols.  It just feels like we waited around so long for a whole lot of smoke.

On the Positive Side Of 40K…

Which in some ways is ok if you have an army that isn’t going to be updated for awhile.  It means all the pieces you have will be what you can work with. While it makes me sad to think of no new Chaos Stuff for a while it does give me hope their reworks are going to be good.  Taking more time to come out with stuff normally means the codex should be better.. right?

It’s always a weird struggle for players right now as those with Indexes have to question any “new” purchase as it might not fit within the new codex.  Or the worry this kind of old unit might not show up when it is released again.  That was always the fear when trying to think of a new project to start on.


The one thing though, about having to wait so long for new 40K stuff is it means all the armies are going to be pretty locked-in.  I feel that most of the game’s 10th Edition meta is feeling pretty good right now with rules, and missions pretty synced in and the only true worry people should have is how rough the new Blood Angels might be.  This type of locked-in rules is something we haven’t had in a bit as we always worry about codex creep and the new hotness wrecking the old hotness. Recent players probably have no memories of pre 7th Editon (before 2017), when the game routinely could go six months without any rules changes or new codex releases.

So, what are you going to do to keep 40K exciting, in the next four to five months of waiting?

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