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Warhammer 40K: I Really Miss These Forge World Units

3 Minute Read
Sep 24 2024

Goatboy here with some awesome units I miss from Forge World. Cutting These made the Grimdark a little bleaker, in the bad way.

Goatboy here with a little bit of a gripe about the things I miss from ForgeWorld.  There will be some units I never had, a bunch I have, and just some sadness that comes from not ever getting to really play some models in competitive play.  It is just a sad fact of life that in order to have a better balanced game, a few things had to go away. But why did these beautiful resin units get cut down in their prime…

Horus Heresy Plastic Dreadnoughts

I won’t go into how many Contemptor dreads I have painted.  I lied I have 10 painted with 4 for my red CSM army and 6 for my Death Guard army.  It killed me to see these models go away as I put a lot of work into them, and while I got to play them for a bit, it was during the younger years of my youngest child’s birth, which meant my gameplay was limited to a few events a year.  This means I never got to use them fully and it makes me sad to see them in my shelves.

Oh, and I won’t go into how many Leviathan dreadnoughts I have, too.  I even have 1 in a box that was just begging to get painted as something evil.  It hurts me inside the cold black place in my heart that is addicted to robot war suits housing the dead shell of a Space Marine.

The Mastodon

As you saw with my Blood Angels list last week I would have loved to throw this into an army.  A giant bus of damage that rolls around, throws out some shooting, and vomits a pile of bees into your opponent’s face.  I never got one even though I thought about this style of list for a long time.  The sheer ability to take this weird futuristic station wagon on the tabletop, paint it red, and throw a ton of chaos nonsense on it was so tempting.  I guess, thanks for making it a Legend so I don’t have to explain to my kids why this giant block of resin was painted red and sitting on my shelf next to my primed Red Stompa.

The Sweet, Sweet Sicarans

I have a really cool looking Sicaran tank I would play from time to time back in the day.  It has some gross chaos stuff, painted red, and was always fun to try and get to work.  There are a ton of other crazy plastic tanks out now that just don’t get to play in the 40K universe anymore even though they are made in cold hard plastic.  You would think having some more Space Marine-based options could help the armies out more especially since having a crossover option could let people dip their toes in both games. Alas…


The New AdMech Hotness

This is for my buddy Ryan who loves that AdMech stuff.  Why hasn’t this ever been a part of 40K?  Why can’t we see some of these things show up in 40K since all those STC should still be around?  Why can’t the weird tanks have a place to play amongst all the crazy nonsense in both game universes?  They never got 40K rules.  We have no idea what could have been or how abusive this nonsense could have made the game?  I guess that is a good thing or maybe it would have been just cool to have more things to play with?

What do you miss from Forge World?  What plastic nonsense should have had some 40K life?  

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