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Warhammer 40K: Kill Team – Xenos Kill Team Rules Previews

5 Minute Read
Sep 12 2024

Games Workshop is back with more Kill Team rules previews and today it’s the Xenos Kill Teams under the microscope.

It’s time for more Kill Team rules previews. We’ve gotten the Imperials, Aeldari, and the Chaos Cults. Now it’s time for more Xenos Kill Teams. This mix of Kill Teams includes the Ork Kommandos, Kroot Farstalkers, T’au Pathfinders, Necron Hierotek Circle, Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers, and the Leagues of Votann Hearthkyn Salvagers AND Hernkyn Yaegirs.

This is quite the list of varied warbands so once again we’re just going to look at the specific faction rules and the operative datacard. But if you want even more info be sure to check out the WarCom article linked below.

via Warhammer Community

“No matter their origin, they all do battle for resources and territory, and each has its own approach to war that includes everything from vast armies engaged in apocalyptic warfare to small, covert teams of elite operatives sent into dangerous kill zones for reasons too numerous to list. 

Each team has its own Faction Rule, custom Equipment, and Ploys, representing their approach. After conversing with innumerable xenobiologists and magos biologis, we’ve prepared a brief overview of Xenos Kill Teams teams available at launch, and how they do battle.”



This special rule for the Kommandos is brief but effective. If these Kommandos have a Conceal order they can perform the Charge action. I don’t know about you but the idea of an Ork leaping from Cover into a melee charge sounds terrifying. Keep your wits about you when the Kommandos are on the field!

Kroot Farstalker Kinband

The Farstalker rules leans into the ability of the Kroot to react to the situation and adapt. This allows three operatives to change their order in the Ready step. One Operative can also change their order when you Counteract an enemy as well. This might not be the flashiest Faction Rule out there but that versatility really makes up for a weak “game plan.”

 T’au Pathfinders


The T’au Pathfinders are renowned for their use of Marklights and that translates to Kill Team as well. In essence, this is really a way for the Pathfinders to lend their strength to their fellow Pathfinders when shooting. Woe be to the target that’s got 4 Marker Light tokens on them. Those effects are cumulative. Yikes.

Necron Hierotek Circle


Reanimation Protocols is a staple of the Necrons as is Living Metal. These rules make an appearance in the Hierotek Circle as well. Living Metal repairs the Necrons as they regain lost wounds during the Ready step of each Strategy phase. And Reanimation Protocols allows for an Operative to get back up once after being incapacitated. They may not be at full strength…at least initially. But the fact that you’ve got to put these Operatives down twice is a game changer.

Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers


You don’t want to get caught up in the Brood Brother’s Crossfire. This places a token on the target unit and when another Brood Brother fires on them (or fights or retaliates them) they can then “spend” those tokens for re-rolls on their attacks. Re-rolls for doing what you were already going to do (shooting/fighting a target) is just gravy on top.

Hearthkyn Salvagers

Why do I have the urge to yell, “Rock and Stone!” Anyhow, Grudge is basically a token that applies to an enemy Operative that happens to incapacitate a friendly Hearthkyn Salvager. Not only does this token stick around on the enemy, but when another Hearthkyn Salvagers attacks them, they can retain one normal success as a critical success instead. So expect the Hearthkyn to retaliate even harder when you take out one of their own…

Hernkyn Yaegirs


When the Yaegirs are out of combat they gain these Resourceful points that can be spent to either heal or add APL them. Furthermore, they are so eager to get into the fray they get a free Reposition aciton during the first turning point. As long as they end within 4″ of the drop zone they are golden. Nothing’s quite like getting a jump off the line!

Tomorrow we’re finally getting a look at the Space Marine Kill Teams — on both sides of the Loyalist coin…


Which of the Xenos Kill Teams is your favorite?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: Kill Team - Chaos Kill Team Rules Preview