Warhammer 40K Next Week: Kill Team Hivestorm

Next week sees a new big Kill Team box full of bugs – and surprisingly enough, not Tyranids! It’s Vespids vs Tempestus in Hivestorm.
Next week Kill Team Hivestorm comes dropping in with two dynamic kill teams full of fast-moving, dynamic abilities, weapons, and equipment. The Tempestus Aquilons and Vespid Stingwings both take to the skies in very different ways and from very different approaches. Naturally they’re clashing with one another.
So whether you like near-orbital drop troops, or flying space bugs that aren’t interested in harvesting your biomass, there’s plenty of cool stuff to be had in next week’s pre-orders!
Kill Team Hivestorm

First up, the big new boxed set. Kill Team Hivestorm has two new Kill Teams consisting of 22 models, as well as 14 pieces of the new Killzone: Volkus terrain, and even an Equipment Pack with 30 pieces of “universal plastic equipment” so for all you bits-hoarders out there, this is the box for you.

On the Tempestus Aquilons side, you’ve got the troopers themselves which have specialized Imperial weaponry as well as an automated servo-sentry gun.

The Vespid Stingwings have their wings and deadly neutron guns, which go straight through armor.
Of course, you get the new edition of the Kill Team core rules, as well as a special Kill Team Hivestorm Dossier that will tell you all about the campaign for Volkus and has the rules for both teams.

You’ll also get the new Killzone: Volkus terrain. And the aforementioned equipment pack.

In the equipment pack you get range markers, ladders both collapsed and extended, light barricades, heavy barricades, portable barricades, mines, comms devices, ammo caches, and a handful of grenades.
More Kill Teams!
Along with the new edition come revamped Kill Teams, many of which are available separately for the first time. And available separately but alongside the new boxed sets, datacards for the kill teams with all the faction rules, equipment, unique plots, operative profiles, and other info you need.

With the Mandrakes, you get 10 Drukhari Kill Team operatives that can be built as specialists or regular Mandrakes.

The Nemesis Claw are a gang of Night Lords who specialize in sowing terror, also available separately for the first time.

The Ork Kommandos are perhaps my favorite Kill Team. The box comes with 12 miniatures: 10 Kommandos, a Bomb Squig, and a Kommando Grot.

The Space Marine Scout Squad combines the power of Space Marines with the eagerness of being neophytes wanting to prove themselves to their battle brothers.

If you like your Kill Teams to be more Squat, then the Hernkyn Yaegirs are the advance scouting parties of the Leagues of Votann. These 10 miniatures are repacked for the new edition and ready to bring their high tech gear to your side.

The Corsair Voidscarred are Aeldari Pirates. They have a lot of fun, they loot, they plunder, and revel in the void.

The Blooded are Traitor Guard, which come with 10 troopers, a Traitor Ogryn and Traitor Enforcer, for maximum heresy while still also being fodder.

And then of course, there are the actual space bugs, the genestealer cultist Brood Brothers, who will rock up with 10 hybrids based on Cadian Shock Trooper bodies.
All this, next week!