Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Early Access Kicks Off

It’s time to spread the Emperor’s Wrath because Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 just launched Early Access.
By the time you’re reading this, Space Marine 2’s Early Access will have launched. If you pre-purchased the game’s Gold or Ultra Editions that is. You’ll have a four day head start to play the game before the people that buy the standard edition.
As of writing this article, I haven’t pulled the trigger on either of those more expensive options (the Gold or Ultra Editions) yet. But if I’m honest, I’m getting REAL close to snagging that Gold Edition. The main thing that’s holding me back is that I don’t know the cost of the Season Pass. If anyone is playing the game today, please let me know in the comments and I’ll update it.
Edit: Thanks to reader JimboSlice11B. The Season Pass price on Xbox is $39.99. If that’s any indication of the price point for the other options then the Gold Edition seems like a good deal.
My reasoning is that if the Season Pass is $20, I’d rather just save the $10 because I don’t really care about that extra 4 day head start. On the flip side, if the Season Pass is actually $30, then it makes perfect sense to just bite the bolter-round and buy the Gold Edition.
The Season Pass does get you quite a lot of promised content (when it comes out). While I don’t really care for the Ultramarine cosmetics, I do like the customization options. I’m sure the Dark Angel stuff will be cool, too. And again in Season 3 and 4, you’ll also get more cosmetics. While we don’t have all the details, I also feel like all those cosmetics are going to be worth the price of the Season Pass. Especially vs a la carte.
That’s kind of the “Live Service” model. What’s nice about this game’s model is that (from what is being shown) all of the Season Pass unlocks are *just* cosmetics. Any new gameplay features are going to be available for all. That, by itself, is something I can get behind. I’ve played my fair share of Live Service games and seen some very predatory practices. So I might just have talked myself into buying the Gold Edition today just to reward these devs for doing gamers a solid. If I DO happen to snag it, I’ll be sure to update the cost of the Season Pass info…if I can find it.
The official release is September 9th, 2024. That’s only a few days away. But that head start is calling my name…And by all accounts so far, this game is a BANGER.
Are you getting Early Access? What are your thoughts?