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Warhammer 40K: Top 5 Universal Weapon Rules Next Edition Needs

3 Minute Read
Sep 23 2024

Goatboy here with the most important Universal Weapon Rules, GW needs to put back into the next edition of 40K.

Instead of something goofy let’s talk about five universal rules I’d like to see added to the next edition of 40K.  I really like the idea of universal rules on weapons and think the start of it in 10th can easily be expanded on to create a nice unique set of options that all players can see, understand, and learn from by next Edition.  Plus these can give the game some unique new spins to weapons to create neat 40k rule interactions.

5. Sustained Wounds

This is a pretty simple one.  We have exploding hits so why not exploding wounds?  It could allow for an interesting set up where a weapon could feel like something that has explosive rounds and explosive damage.  I just feel like it is just a simple add on to the game to give some weapons a more unique feeling or even create a cool option for special Torrent weapons that could “explode” with more force when spraying the enemy down with corrosive damage.

4. Suppression (#)

This could be a very simple one where if a weapon hits the enemy it is given a suppression token that gives a -# to their hit role.  This could be a whole new way of create weapons that are not just meant to kill but instead stack modifiers to create unique options for the enemy to deal with. I know we have some of this in the game already, but moving it to a keyword just lets you spread the idea of it around.  Could you imagine shotguns doing this as the enemy has to duck from the spread of damage coming around them?

3. Light Up

This one is the opposite of Suppression in that you could have a keyword that basically says you hit someone with this – everyone else will get a modifier to hit that target.  You have lit them up and other people can now see them a heck of a lot more easier now.  I know a lot of weapons can do this or have some kind of option for this so categorizing it with a keyword just frees some rules areas up and lets you create other unique options for weapons.


2. Bloodied

A lot of units activate rules off if the unit is wounded so why not just add a keyword to mention that based off of the weapon.  You could make bloodied be a simple reroll 1’s to wound or reroll wounds as an option. I am sure we could think of a better keyword name but even if it is something like Bloodied (1) for reroll 1’s to wound and maybe Bloodied (all) for reroll all wounds.

1. Inspire

Another interesting option could be an Inspire ability based on the weapon.  If it does a wound an aura procs off of it to help those around it.  You could give it something like Inspire (1) where if the one unit hits and wounds it gives all those around it a +1 to hit for any further shooting as they inspire the units to do better.  This could again be something pretty simple and help create these unique units that build up interaction.

~What do you think of these weapon ideas for the future of 40K?


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