Warhammer 40K: What To Expect In Those Next Three Codexes…

Goatboy here today on the heels of the NOVA 40K Roadmap to talk about what we should look for in the next three codexes.
I hope your Labor Day is going alright. I know most likely right now I am working on some models I need to paint for a buddy and his desire to have a bunch of options for his Imperial Agents. This isn’t a talk about them, instead let’s talk about the murky future of 40K 10th Edition, in the aftermath of the GW “roadmap reveal” at NOVA.
Of course if your army is Astra Miliatrum, Aeldari, or Imperial Knights you should be excited to see what is coming out. For everyone else – well you are just going to have to wait. This waiting is what kinda of has me in the bummers just due to the fact there doesn’t seem to be anything Chaos coming out for a while. This isn’t all bad but we’ll get into that later. Before diving in let’s look at the info we got.
Astra Militarum
First with Astra Militarum having a release coming and knowing the Death Korps are going to factor into it we know it will probably be a big one. This should be a full refresh of that line of things and most likely will be the only real thing coming for that army. This isn’t a bad thing as again you are getting new minis but I really expect it to not be nearly as meaty as some of you might like. I was really hoping for more “troops” released like replacing the ancient plastic Catachans and maybe something fancy from the old lines. We’ll probably see a refresh of some of the artillery batteries, a new command squad, and maybe if we are very lucky some weird gas masked horses .
The Aeldari release is a lot more interesting as it feels like it should be a rather big one. There are three Aspect warriors that needed to be updated and you know they are going to show up in some Kill Team boxes sooner or later. This whole push to have jump infantry options in Kill Team is ripe for the Aspect warriors and I am sure it is gonna be a hot fancy armor Aeldari Spring/Summer in this upcoming year. I just know Warp Spiders better show up at some point – their minis are over 30 years old now! The fact we have a codex on the horizon means GW thinks they might have solved the initial power problem with Aeldari and I suspect it won’t be a Marine-sized book chock full of detachments.
I do worry we’ll see an “everything” is Assault option in this book which really creates some rough and explosive turns when everything is hidden and then things move 20+ inches and shoot you to death. I just hope the revised Fate Dice options and detachment powers are better balanced this time around. Hopefully Codex: Aeldari will fall into line with the others, and gives us some interesting units and detachments.
Imperial Knights
Finally GW said we have Imperial Knights showing up and that is pretty exciting. I expect their release to be rather light as they don’t really need more things in their army. It is a weird thing in how they are designed and I hope they can continue to push the big knights “creating” synergy with the little knights. It is probably the hardest army codex to balance fully as you don’t want to create a true barrier army but might not be helped just due to the nature of the book. I do wonder how much Canis Rex will change just as he shows up a ton right now and probably needs to be tweaked.
The Codexes Beyond
We did see some bits of talk about a Chaos release later next year, but I got no clue who it will be. The Thousand Sons and Death Guard don’t need really much of anything new so they should be easy releases. A few tweaks, a few nips, and you easily got a working army. It follows the same with the Chaos Daemons and we’ll just have to wait and see if the rumors of shoving the army into the cult books is true or not. We can’t dismiss this because Deathwatch got shoved into Codex: Imperial Agents, and Chaos Daemons could too.
I would love some World Eaters updates but I am kinda fine with the Codex staying as is. Right now it is a in a fun place and I am enjoying trying different builds out. I just love playing so many mean models who run across the table and wreck things as needed. I just got some new custom World Eaters objectives I drew up and can’t wait to try them in a few weeks from now.
Hope your day off was great and this weekend is full of awesome fun. I know a lot of you went to Nova. One day I will get up there. Until next time, and Death to the False Emperor!