Warhammer 40K’s Best Snarky Looking Special Character Minis

Goatboy here with 40K’s top special character minis with the best “snarky” looking faces. Sometimes looks CAN kill.
Goatboy here with another top 5. There are those models that just look like they said something rude about your mom and then proceed to kick your little butt in combat. This means will be looking at models with exposed faces as while the stoic masked faces can look mean – they just can’t give you that dirty look we all hate/love to see. Get a load of these lovable mugs.
5. Abaddon the Despoiler – Chaos Space Marines
Oh man does his face look like he thinks you smell so bad. If it is bad enough to bother him then you know it has to be awful. He just has the grimace of disdain that just oozes from his model. He isn’t happy with you, with his team, or even the winner of the VMA awards. He is just pissed and ready to shove that giant sword into whatever is currently in his line of sight. The ultimate CSM bad boss.
4. The Masque of Slaanesh – Chaos Daemons
This model just looks like one of the popular kids in your class who doesn’t like your shoes this year. They are going to dance around, probably say something snarky, and then steal your apple from your lunch tray. The Masque is totally a full on jerk and just the fact their rules means you can’t always shoot them makes them just even more of a Chaos Daemon jerk.
3. Lion El’Jonson – Dark Angels
This guy totally looks disappointed in your life choices. Sure that degree in Artistic Dance with a Minor in Miming was a lot of fun but how are you going to pay for all your locally sourced scarves? It really helps that The Lion looks like Tywin Lannister with his nicely trimmed mustache, annoyance with your life choices, and most likely a tad bit of Dark Angel boomer nonsense.
2. Lelith Hesperax – Drukhari
Oh man does she look pissed at you. Here she is jumping towards you, knives out, and ready to take out whatever bit of spark you have. She definitely is calling you out in the school hall and just laughing as you try to hide behind your locker. She is the final boss of the Dark Eldar mean girls and ready to make your last season Crocks look janky.
1. Mephiston – Blood Angels
The ultimate Emo kid who happens to be a brick house of damage. He is going to always make fun of you from the back while smelling like Clove Vapor. You better be wearing the newest goth/metal/emo band shirt or he is going to stare holes through you. Oh yeah his eye makeup is better than yours and he can totally wreck you in a dance battle on the blood stained dance floor at the Blood Angels fortress monestary.
~Did we miss any? Which mini has your favorite snarky face?