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Warhammer: It’s Time For A ‘Chaos Dwarf’ Invasion

3 Minute Read
Sep 16 2024

Games Workshop has been dancing around this army for years. We need a Chaos Dwarf army in Warhammer (again).

In the earlier editions of Warhammer Fantasy there was an entire Chaos Dwarf army. They had a strong aesthetic along with unique units and lore. But that army was slowly phased out of the mainline production. Sure, you could still get remnants from Forge World and there was even an “official” army for a few editions — and even for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. But the Chaos Dwarf army was never one I would consider as a fully released faction. It was an army that had fallen by the wayside. But it’s never been completely gone, either…

Fast-forward to today. Things are a little different now. For one, Warhammer: The Old World is back and there’s actually an entire Chaos Dwarf army list you can use from the Legacy Factions. But you might not be able to use them in any sort of Official Warhammer: The Old World Tournament…which is unfortunate.

But there’s some strange things afoot regarding the Chaos Dwarves at GW right now. For starters, Blood Bowl is getting an entire Chaos Dwarf team!

Obviously this doesn’t mean that the Chaos Dwarf army is an obvious “next army” but I think it does bode well. For starters, I think these redesigns look great! They really nailed the scale and style of the Chaos Dwarves in this team. Plus the Hobgoblins, too…


The Bull Centaur players also look great. It really makes me want to see a full Chaos Dwarf army with the new sculpts and technology that GW has now. I think that their team could really knock it out of the park with this one.

Warhammer: Old World Or Age of Sigmar?

Frankly, I don’t have a strong preference for either system. I just want a Chaos Dwarf army to come back in plastic. I do know that if this army was to come back to Warhammer in either setting the writers would have to find a way to justify it in the lore. Then again, I think at least in AoS, GW has been hinting at their return for a while.

Hobgrots are a direct line to the Chaos Dwarves. And given the fact that GW created them for the Kruleboyz, I do wonder what that plan is moving forward. Are they just going to stay a cheeky nod to Chaos Dwarf army or are they going to be the way forward?



Let’s also not forget that the Chaos Dwarves are in Total War: Warhammer III. That means someone had to create all those miniatures in 3D. I know it’s not a simple process to convert them from digital to an entire physical range…but the groundwork has been laid.

The Chaos Dwarf army has a lot of parallels to the Genestealer Cult Army in my mind. Both were armies that were created early on and then (essentially) phased out.  But if the Genestealer Cults can make a comeback then I think the Chaos Dwarf army can too!


We also got an entire Lizardman Blood Bowl team before the Seraphon army got that massive update in AoS…I’m Just tossing that out there…

Author: Adam Harrison
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