Warhammer: Kill Team Hivestorm Up Close

We’ve got the new Kill Team: Hivestorm miniatures in the studio and we’re taking a close look at them! Vespids and Aquilons deployed!
The new edition of Kill Team is on the way and up for pre-order this weekend. We’ve got a preview copy from Games Workshop and are taking a closer look at these brand new miniatures. If you’re a T’au Player looking for some buggy new allies or if you’re a proud Imperial Guard member in need of some fast-deploying troops this one is for you!
Vespid Stingwings
First up, we’ve got the deadly new Vespid Stingwings. Personally, I’m really glad this unit is here to update the old kit. I know that there was a certain charm to the old models but personally, I much prefer this updated kit.
Not only are these new miniatures in plastic now but they are more dynamic and have a wide array of poses. On top of that, they come packing some new weaponry. Those Neutron weapons are no joke! They were always considered “Marine Killers” their main issue was getting close enough to unload. Now they have some new wargear to give them a wider set of combat roles.
Again, I do like the update to these models. They look a lot more wasp-like and insectoid now. Their limbs and bodies scream “insectoid” and I think it’s a strong visual. I know the community has already started experimenting with color schemes and I can’t wait to see what people come up with!
Tempestus Aquilons
The Tempestus Aquilons are a new unit coming to help out their beleaguered Tempetus Scion and Astra Militarum battle-brothers. These highly trained drop-troops bring some serious training and firepower and are ready for the highly dangerous Kill Team missions ahead.
I like the sentry that comes with the unit quite a bit. It makes a lot of sense that they would deploy those first and then drop in once the landing zone is (relatively) clear. That said, I’m not 100% sure that’s how it’s going to work…but that’s based off the cinematic GW made.
The miniature themselves are a cool mix of Tempestus Scions and “new” wargear. They have the look of highly trained Tempestus units and bring the firepower to match. But they also have those new grav-chutes and are ready to get into the thick of things.
Both sets of miniatures have a lot of options and wargear to help you customize them as much (or as little) as you’d like. All the special operative wargear for their respective Kill Team is included. I’m hoping we see both of these Kill Teams get a proper 40k release at a later date!
For now, Kill Team Hivestorm is landing soon and is ready for pre-orders this weekend from Games Workshop!
Vespids or Aquilons — Which side are you choosing?
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