Warhammer Next Week: A Blood Angels Bonanza

Next week sees the pre-order release of the Blood Angels Codex and a host of miniatures accompanying it!
Next week is all Blood Angels, all the time, with the pre-order release of the Blood Angels Codex in all its glory. And for reinforcements, a ton of new Blood Angels minis, including the new Sanguinor. A vision in gold, and a vision of death.
All of this, coming to you next week!
Blood Angels Soar In On Sanguine Wings

It is a Blood Angels Bonanza next week, and it all kicks off with the Codex. In Codex: Blood Angels, you get the full workup of the faction. All the rules, lore, datasheets, and things you’ll need to run a Blood Angels army. Well, everything except the miniatures. But hey, speaking of miniatures…

There are some amazing ones in next week’s pre-orders. Astorath the Grim leads off the pack, available now for the first time on his own. As grim and bloody a figure as you could hope for in the 41st Millennium. With his wings and his axe, he puts the Angel of Death into the Emperor’s Angels of Death.

Speaking of angels, the Sanguinor is quite literally the Blood Angels’ guardian angel. Clad all in gold, armed with a powerful sword, and appearing when the Chapter needs his aid most, then vanishing. No one knows who the Sanguinor is, but everyone hopes to see him when needed.

On the other hand, everyone knows who Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost is. He’s the only one suffering from the Black Rage who ever asked to keep serving the Chapter. And he has, ever since, ensuring that the Death Company spends their lives meaningfully.

You can also get your hands on a cool new Blood Angels Captain, above, and Sanguinary Priest, below:

Need some more winged angels on your side? How abut these golden boys from the Sanguinary Guard?

With their encarmine blades and jump assault packs, they swoop down on your enemies like avenging angels.
All this, next week!