Warhammer Next Week: Necromunda Genestealers and Old World Chaos

From the ruined depths of Hive Secundus, to the twisting Wastes of Chaos, next week’s preorders show off a sinister side of Warhammer.
Next week’s preorders continue to plumb the depths of Necromunda’s ill-fated Hive Secundus. There, the Malstrain Genestealers have been unleashed, and their psychic coalescense looms over the Warp. But if you’re lucky, you might find treasure. More likely, tyranid-inspired death, though.
But there’s so many ways to die in the worlds of Warhammer, honestly, genestealer, not too bad. Right up there with getting run down by Chaos Knights. At least it’s over quick, you know? And speaking of quick – next week’s pre-orders will be out before you know it, so let’s dive on in.
Necromunda – Malstrain Rising

It all starts with the Malstrain Alpha. Like it or not, this is the ideal Malstrain form. This is what peak performance looks like. Second only to the Patriarch, the Malstrain Alpha is quick, strong, and has an intense psychic aura.

Although, psychic auras don’t get much more intense than the Malstrain Coalescence. It’s an expression of the psychic might of the Malstrain Hive Mind, and as you can see, it’s melting and bending reality just by existing.

Then, of course, there’s the one who started it all: Tech-priest Biologis Hermiatus, a heretical tinkerer who unleashed the Malstrain Genestealers upon Hive Secundus and is responsible for its current state. He was quickly given the Emperor’s Justice, but though the tech-priest died a fiery death long ago, an echo of his consciousness exists within the gestalt mind of the Malstrain. Directed by the Patriarch, thus psychic echo meddles with Malstrain DNA – what could possibly go wrong?

Of course, there’s always someone poking around where they shouldn’t. And in this case, it’s Lady Haera Helmawr in a Sthenian-pattern Hunting Rig, armed with a power spear and phase sword, she is more than a match for many Malstrain “gangers”.
Chaos in the Old World

Meanwhile, it’s a whole different ball game over in the Old World, as a second wave of Chaos comes crashing in, bringing with it more dark warriors, starting with the glorious Chaos Knights you see up above. In heavy armor, riding heavy horses, these warriors will thunder across the battlefield.

Though if you want to get across the battlefield quicker- but just as thunderous, you might want to avail yourself of one of the new Chaos Chariots.

Or opt for the lighter Marauder Horsemen, whose axes will hew down fleeing infantry.

Or answer the Baja Men’s eternal question, and let the dogs out yourself; unleash the hounds of Chaos for fun and profit.

And what would Chaos forces be without plenty of Marauder fodder to choke up the battlefield with axes and dead bodies on either side?
All this, next week!