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Warhammer: October Is Going To Be Chaotic For Games Workshop

3 Minute Read
Sep 30 2024

Or maybe just Chaos-focused. With big reveals coming Saturday and the monthly miniature Games Workshop is calling on the dark gods for sure!

This weekend (October 5th to be exact) Games Workshop is hosting Warhammer Day. It’s a big celebration for all things Warhammer but more importantly chaos is coming. We talked a bit about it last week, but in case you missed it here’s the info:

via Warhammer Community

“Saturday will also host exciting reveals for a range of game systems during the Warhammer Day Preview Show 2024: Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, Legions Imperialis, and Warhammer Underworlds are all covered, so tune in to gaze in rapt awe at the latest upcoming releases.”

Chaos Invasion Commences

Now, as far as new miniatures for Chaos — well, we know of at least ONE that’s coming. And he’s bringing some back-up to your local Warhammer store. First up, let’s meet the new miniature:

“This year’s Commemorative Miniature is the infernal Chaos Sorcerer Tzarketh, Bane of Law.”

This Chaos Sorcerer is perfect for using in your Slaves to Darkness army as a Chaos Sorcerer Lord. As an S2D player myself, I might have to try and snag this one.


I like the pose and I’ve always appreciated that Chaos Sorcerers have figured out that “it’s okay if a wizard wears some armor, too.” Take that D&D Wizards! Anyhow, the back-up he’s bringing is the monthly miniature from Games Workshop, which is a Chaos Warrior. To snag one of these you just need to visit your local Warhammer store for more details.

“Every month you can visit your local Warhammer store to collect a miniature of the month for free, and from the 5th of October, we return to the untamed wilds of the Mortal Realms to recruit a formidable Chaos Warrior in celebration of our Chaos-themed Warhammer Day.”

Oh and while you’re there you can also ask about the Collectible Coin, too:


The coin is for Kill Team which really isn’t Chaos-related. Unless those pesky Dark Angels are playing in the game. Then it’s most CERTAINLY chaos related. Your Primarch is a Daemon Prince, the Watchers in the Dark are Warp Daemons, you’ve got more secrets than the Inquisition, and half your chapter turned traitor only to hunt down the other half who remained loyalist. “Fallen” huh? More like “cover-up fodder.”

Yep. Definitely a chaos cover-up.

Anyhow, this month is Chaos focused from GW so I’m looking forward to seeing what else they have in store. I’m also a little shocked we don’t see more Dark Angel releases this month. Oh well. So tune-in this Saturday for the Warhammer Day celebration and stream-reveals!




Author: Adam Harrison
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