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Age of Sigmar: How To Play Stormcast Eternals

6 Minute Read
Oct 24 2024

Today we check out the basics of Stormcast Eternals, and how to play the chosen of Sigmar.

In Age of Sigmar, there is no army more iconic than the Stormcast Eternals. The poster boys and girls of the whole game since its inception, the Stormcast, are the fantasy answer to the Space Marines, and they are just as varied. They are strong, forgiving, and an optimal choice for a beginner.

What Are Stormcast Eternals?

The Stormcast Eternals are the God-King Sigmar‘s answer to the myriad threats facing the Mortal Realms. Heroes of old or brave warriors of the Realms reforged into warriors of Sigmarite and Living Lightning, they are even free from conventional death, instead returning to the halls of Azyr in a bolt of lightning to be reforged again. However, they are not immortal, and some factions have found ways to contain that escaping spark, chiefly the Nighthaunt. Such foes are especially hated by the Stormcast and wiped out with extreme prejudice whenever they are encountered.

The Stormcasts are further divided into Chambers, representing their focus, and Stormhosts, which represent different approaches to warfare. They favor all forms of combat, from maces, swords, and magical staves to crossbows, javelins, and even arcane firearms. In the defense of Order, there is no greater might than the armies of Sigmar.

Why Play Stormcast Eternals?

As a beginner army, there’s really no force better than the Stormcast Eternals. There is nothing they can’t do and do well, and they have one of the most solid defensive lines in the game. If you want a well-balanced force that still leaves room for hyper-focus, this is the army for you.


  • Still one of the largest unit rosters in the game, matched only by Cities of Sigmar and Slaves to Darkness.
  • Units that can do a bit of everything without sacrificing focus.
  • Some of the most powerful shooting in the game.
  • A good mix of speed, power, magic, and defense.


  • The unit interactions can be a little daunting.
  • Elite (low) numbers.

Stormcast Eternals Rules

Battle Traits

  • The Celestial Realm/Scions of the Storm – These two rules allow you to deploy units offboard and teleport in with them during the game.
  • Heavens-Sent – One infantry or cavalry unit can return to the battle as a replacement unit at half-strength.
  • Their Finest Hour – The old rule from last edition is just for Stormcast now! What’s more, every unit can use it- not just heroes!

Battle Formations

  • Sentinels of the Bleak Citadels – Once per Hero phase a Ruination unit can be given a Ward save.
  • Thunderhead Host – Use Synchronised Strikes to buff Warrior Chamber keyword units but being next to units from other chambers.
  • Vanguard Wing – Once per turn a Vanguard Chamber unit can teleport on a 3+.
  • Lightning Echelon – One Extremis Chamber unit can get Strike-first each turn on a 3+.

Heroic Traits

  • Staunch Defender – Buff friendly Control Scores.
  • Shock and Awe – An aura which gives -1 to hit for attacks that target friendly units that teleport into it.
  • Envoy of the Heavens – Gives a ward buff to a nearby unit after friendly units  are destroyed.


  • Null Pendant – Once per battle, reduce the control score of an enemy unit in combat.
  • Quicksilver Draught – Once per battle Strike-first.
  • Mirrorshield – Cannot be targeted by shooting outside of 9″.

Key Stormcast Eternals Units

The Stormcast have an enormous selection of units, and that can be pretty overwhelming for new players. Below are a few units that stand out above the others and should always be at least considered in a Stormcast army.

Krondys, Son of Dracothian

This giant centerpiece dragon is also an accomplished wizard. On top of that, he cooks at home seven night a week and never misses his exercises. It shows up in his melee attacks, which are also par excellence. His Atavistic Tempest spell is a debuff nightmare, good in any situation.

Iridan the Witness

This unique commander atop their giant Morrgryph is an amazing centerpiece model that works great with all the Ruination chamber units.


Lord Relictor

The Relictor is a masterful Priest and Stormcast have some amazing Prayers. Using Relocation on a three plus is one of this heroes biggest utilities.

Lord Imperitant

The Lord-Imperitant takes Stormcast teleportation and enhances it. Your golden guys will be able to ride the lightning just a skosh closer by moving D3″. Makes it easier to hit things with hammers!

Vanguard-Raptors w/ Longstrike Crossbows

Hoooooo boy, are these guys nice. They have a crossbow that shoots 18″ but can move and shoot, hits on a 3+ base, has a Rend of -2 (with an extra against heroes!), and deals 2 damage. If any of those shots roll an unmodified 6, then you auto-wound as these snipers plink their target right between the eyes. If they don’t move, then they have the ability to ignore ‘Guarded Hero’.


These Battleline bring a lot to the table- a native three plus save and multiple anti-charge abilities make them great for holding a point.

Stormdrake Guard

Here’s the main show and arguably one of the most exciting unit Stormcast have on offer. Fast, tough, and devastating- but you pay for it. The only thing these guys lack is low points cost and numerical supremacy! However, if you are feeling spicy- a Knight-Draconis can fill up a regiment with them and go to town.


Stormstrike Chariot

A reasonable cost for a tough bucket of wounds that can inflict a few Mortal Wounds on your foes. Great for holding or taking a flank.


Heavily armored and armed, Annihilators make a great compliment to the Lord-Imperitant and the Scions of the Storm rule in general.

Dracothian Guard

Wingless Dragons still want to have fun! With (super) high damage on the charge, Fulminators may be your premiere scalpel/damage-dealer. These will definitely still be fun in fourth edition.


Reclusians are the elite warriors of the Ruination chamber and are Stormcast newest premiere damage dealer. They have a great passive ability which lets them ignore enemy abilities.

Sample Army

Faction: Stormcast Eternals
– Battle Formation:

Regiment 1

  • Lord-Imperitant
  • 6 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers
  • 6 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers
  • 6 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers
  • 4 x Dracothian Guard Fulminators

How to Play Stormcast Eternals

Stormcast are a great, well-rounded army that can adapt to any sort of playstyle. They do favor a sort of hammer and anvil style of play, using your tough defensive line units to hold your enemy still while your punisher units slam into their flank or rear. You can quickly reposition, you have access to good spells, and you can toss out great prayers. Set your shields, don’t back down, meet aggression with aggression, and you’ll find success.


For Sigmar!

Author: Allen Campbell
  • Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Rocket Reload