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Age of Sigmar: Stormstrike Palladors Bring Swift Retribution With These Rules

3 Minute Read
Oct 9 2024

The Stormstrike Palladors cavalry are charging into battle once again. Here they are with a rules preview for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

Games Workshop is continuing their preview of the Stormcast Eternals with a look at the Stormstrike Palladors. This lightning-swift cavalry unit rides Gryph-chargers on the winds Aetheric to quickly attack their foes. Great for flanking and shocking the enemy in theory. Let’s see how they stack up on the tabletop with these rules.


via Warhammer Community

The Stormstrike Palladors, meanwhile, have been the key to many victories, serving as lightning-swift cavalry who hurtle in to land a decisive blow.

Stormstrike Palladors

While we don’t get any firm stats we do know the mounts are in “heavy barding” that “slightly reduces their mobility” — in game terms I’d expect them to still be one of the faster elements of a Stormcast army however. Stat-wise for their Melee weapons you can see how they work above. With 3 attacks that are 3+/3+ and 1 rend and 1 damage, that doesn’t sound too overwhelming. But don’t forget about their Anti-Infantry and Charge bonuses, either. Suddenly those attacks become tad more intimidating.

We also don’t know what other attacks this unit will end up having as the mount’s attack profile could be adjusted, too. And to ensure they get into combat they also have a rule that helps them to make that impact:


You’ll have to wait for a friendly Warrior Chamber unit to be destroyed which …seems odd. But once that happens they’ll get a re-roll for their charge rolls and they’ll also gain Strike-First on the charge. You know, maybe in they had those rules at the start of the battle then their friends in the Warrior Chamber wouldn’t have been sent back for a reforging…

Games Workshop also showed off one more piece of faction terrain for the Stormcasts. The Stormreach Portal is a fast way to re-deploy your non-Monster Stormcast Eternals units.

Not too shabby. I could totally see a Stormcast Army setting one of these up in their backfield and shunting units across the table with it. How luck do you feel about making some 9″ charges?


The Stormstrike Palladors and the new Stormreach Portal will be up for pre-order this weekend from Games Workshop.


These golden boys of Sigmar move FAST.

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals 'Iridan The Witness' Rules Preview