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AoS: Gloomspite Gitz Go Crazy in 4.0

3 Minute Read
Oct 8 2024

GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest changes for the ferocious fungoids, the Gloomspite Gitz.

Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.

The Forces of Destruction are the most erratic faction, as the name might suggest. Unlike Order, Chaos, and Death, they want nothing more than to spread discord through the Realms. Wherever civilization exists, regardless of faction, they want to tear it down. Perhaps the best example of this is the fanatical Gloomspite Gitz. These spore-addled goblins range across the Realms on the backs of squigs, wolves, and massive spiders, following the path of the Bad Moon.

In Age of Sigmar 4.0, the Gloomspite Gitz have suffered more than most. They never topped the charts in the combat step, but they’ve fallen far behind. They make up for it with a few combat tricks (like exploding on death), but they can’t quite measure up to the other armies in the game. That isn’t to say they aren’t very fun to play, especially if you focus on Squigs, Troggs, or Spiders, but I wouldn’t expect them to be as easy to pilot as the Ironjawz or Ogors.

Gloomspite Gitz – The Good: Diversity

The Gloomspite Gitz might not have a lot going for them in the combat department, but they don’t go down quietly. Several models can do Mortal Wounds just from existing in combat, and the Squigs explode on death, taking their enemies along for the ride. You could also go the stability route and play with Troggs, or systematically take your enemy apart with Spiderfangs.

The Squig Herds are definitely my favorite unit in the new Faction Pack. They can heal themselves, but they’re just as likely to eat their handlers, and when they go down, they take the enemy with them. They perfectly embody the chaotic nature of a Squigherd army. The Gloomspite Gitz honestly feel like four separate armies, and I think that really works for them.

Gloomspite Gitz – the Bad: Noodles

Unfortunately, the Gloomspite Gitz aren’t really GOOD at anything. Unfortunately, the diversity available to you weakens them overall, as you need to diversify your list, but you aren’t getting the best out of your units without focus. Troggs are a little slow, Gitz don’t hit hard enough, Squigs are chaotic, and Spiders are fragile. You need them all to function like an army, but you lose out on a lot of the best stuff that way.

How did your favorite faction do?

Author: Clint Lienau
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