D&D: Roll20 Has a Free Eberron Adventure For Core Rule Pre-Orders

When you pre-order the 5.5E Core Rules on Roll20, you’ll unlock a free Eberron Adventure that will take your players to level 5.
Roll20 announced a bonus adventure for those who pre-order the new D&D core rulebook bundle on the popular virtual tabletop. That alone would be pretty cool. After all, adventures are the meat and potatoes of D&D.
But this one is better, because it’s set in Eberron. I say this as an objective fact because Eberron is my favorite official D&D campaign setting. And that makes any adventure set there better than others by default. That’s just science.
Roll20: Adventures in Eberron With D&D Core Rules, Unlock a ‘Heart of Stone’
In a new blog post, Roll20 revealed that it had a sizable adventure, Heart of Stone, as a pre-order incentive. Players who pre-order the new edition of D&D’s Core Rulebook Bundle will also get an introductory adventure set in the world of Eberron.
Written by Imogen Gingell (Eberron designer/writer and actual plasma physicist) and Keith Baker (creator of Eberron), the new adventure is built to take players from 1st through 5th level while exploring the many-splendored world of Eberron. You’ll start in the town of Quickstone, but things quickly spiral from there, because it’s a D&D adventure.
Before you know it, you’re wrapped up in a battle with an enigmatic cult. And if I know my Eberron, probably ensnared in a Draconic prophecy too.
But that’s what makes the campaign setting tick. This adventure is unlocked as of today for any who have already pre-ordered the Core Rulebook Bundle. If you’ve only bought one of the new core rulebooks, you can upgrade to the bundle and unlock the adventure any time until February 2025.
Roll20 Doesn’t Stop With just Having the Books
One thing to keep in mind when looking for where to get your digital content, is the integrated tools. And Roll20 has been constantly updating their D&D 2024 toolkit since the PHB released. One of the biggest advantages that Roll20 has over sites like D&D Beyond is the ease with which you can decide which ruleset you want to use.
No Legacy Content enablers needed, you just pick and go from there. Roll20 has been rolling out other features since then. Features like automated level-ups, streamlined starting equipment selection, expanded drag and drop functionality and more.
The D&D 2024 Character Sheet Builder is available now if you want to see some of what I’m talking about.
Happy adventuring!