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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Drilling Time

3 Minute Read
Oct 1 2024

The new Rumor Engine is out for Games Workshop and this one will have you digging deep with this drill bit of doom!

Okay, maybe drill bit of doom is a bit of a stretch. But whatever the case is, today is Tuesday and that means it’s time to check out this Rumor Engine. We’ve got another one of those “okay, I know what that is but I don’t know anything else” Rumor Engines. Before we start theorizing you really should take a look at it for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

“What kind of man or beast could be using a drill on the battlefield? Perhaps it’s not a drill at all, and it’s actually a 41st Millennium soft-serve ice cream (STC pending).”

Rumor Engine Drilling Time

Okay, so what are we looking at? Well, it’s a drill. And, if you’ve been around the block once or twice then you might have some gut inclinations with this one.

Anytime we start talking about drilling or mining, I think of the Dwarves. If we’re talking 40k, then the Ironhead Squat Prospectors come to mind immediately. This is an “gang” that still roams the wasteland of Necromunda prospecting for loot. But, obviously, there’s also another space dwarf faction running around these days.

The Leagues of Votann are a fresher take on the idea of a space travelling group of miners. Plus a lot of their gear used to be for mining, too. I wouldn’t rule them out is what I’m saying. But speaking of groups that use mining equipment for acts of war…


The Genestealer Cult also uses repurposed equipment for battle. And this drill looks well made enough to possibly be Imperial in nature.

Swapping back to Necromunda for a moment I wanted to remind folks that there’s also a lot of repurposed construction and mining equipment users in that game system, too. The Ambots are just one example.


One more faction I just want to mention is the Kharadon Overlords, too. They use a variety of weapons and equipment to maintain their fleet of skyvessels. A bigger drill wouldn’t be that alien looking in their hands either.

I would even be suspicious of Skaven if they didn’t just get their new Battletome recently. Could they get a new unit in a year? You can’t really rule that out, can you?

The point is this one is a mystery still. We might be able to tell it’s a drill but that’s really it. Who’s using it and what’s up with that weird rock on top of it? I have no clue. So that’s where you come in! If you’ve got any theories as to what this one is drop us a line in the comments and share it with the rest of the class.


It definitely not soft serve ice cream…right?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer: October Is Going To Be Chaotic For Games Workshop