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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Ejection Core

3 Minute Read
Oct 15 2024

There’s a new Rumor Engine out today and it looks like it could be deadly. Games Workshop might want to hit the eject button on this one!

Can you call a trigger an ejection button? I mean, they basically do the same thing, right? Squeeze the trigger and material gets ejected from the weapon. Press the ejection button and material gets shot out from …whatever it’s being ejected from. Eh, I feel like we’re just splitting hairs here. Anyhow, take a look at this new Rumor Engine and see what I’m talking about.

via Warhammer Community

Ah, now this is a strange one. Knowing the proclivities of the main technological factions of the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms, this is definitely one of two things: 

    1. A gun that shoots lightning
    2. A fancy wall lamp

Rumor Engine Ejection Core

So I don’t think this is a fancy wall lamp. That seems really unsafe if it IS a lamp. So is it a gun that shoots lightning? WarCom also mentions a “grabber for catching souls” or “spinny thing that goes brrrr.” And, to be fair,  yes…it could be one of those things.  Whatever it is, this object is likely a weapon of some sort. The real question is who would be wielding it.

I don’t want to rule out the Seraphon as they have had some similar tech. However, this looks less like a fancy core from one of their magical relics and more like a weapon that’s about to fire.


Could it be some twisted Necron tech? I wouldn’t rule them out either. But I’m still not 100% sure it’s them. Honestly, there’s a lot of factions that it could be from and I think this one is pretty tough to guess.

The Adeptus Mechanicus have some pretty crazy weapon designs and I could see this fitting into their army, too. And if that’s the case there’s also the Dark Mechanicus to now consider. Wouldn’t that be something!

We DO have those Negavolt Cultists that were first introduced in Blackstone Fortress. Perhaps this is another one of those long-tail teasers. Whatever the case may be this is where I turn it over to you, internet detectives. If you’ve got a theory on this one drop us a line in the comments with what is it and why. Personally, I still think this is a cool design for …whatever this is. Core ejector, firearm, or otherwise!



I was going to say Warp Core Ejector but I didn’t want to cross those streams.

Author: Adam Harrison
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