Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Powered Orb

There’s a brand new Rumor Engine out from Games Workshop today and it’s another brain twister. What could this powered orb be?
Welcome to another Tuesday and a brand new Rumor Engine from GW. Today’s image isn’t completely without clues to work with. However, the clues it does have are kind of thin. But don’t take my word for it — have a look for yourself.
“Illuminating, isn’t it? Not that we think it’s a light… although now you mention it… nope, no idea. It could be pretty much anything, thanks to the monochrome nature of the Rumour Engine.”
Rumor Engine Powered Orb
This image is more than just a circle. You can kind of see the 3D nature of that circle is really more of an orb. And it’s inside some sort of tube or something. Anyhow, I don’t think this is a light bulb. Why would the power filaments be on the outside? I do think those are indeed power filaments just like the ones you’d see on a power weapon actually.
So I do think this orb is powered by the same technology. That does help eliminate quite a few factions from the running at least.
Obviously, this isn’t a sword. But you can see the same type of power nodes on Power Swords. What interesting is this orb has 3 of them. The most I can find on Power Swords is two on a single side. It’s also worth noting that not all Power Swords are painted with the filaments lighting up.
Anyhow, this orb is a curious one. I do think we are looking at something Imperial. There’s a good chance is Space Marine in nature as well. It’s too clean to be chaos. But I’m not ruling out Astra Militarum. Or Imperial Knights or Adeptus Mechanics for that matter.
But here’s where you come in. If you’ve got any theories please share them with the rest of us in the comments. This is certainly an odd one.
Is it a Power Field Generator of some type?