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Horus Heresy: New Legions Astartes Melee Weapon Kit Coming Soon

2 Minute Read
Oct 3 2024

The long awaited Legions Astartes Melee Weapon Kit is finally coming to The Horus Heresy. It’s time to get up close and personal!

Games Workshop is showcasing the an upcoming new upgrade pack for The Horus Heresy. It’s going to contain Swords, pistols, lances, hammers, and claws for your Space Marine Legions. Time to report in to the armory and grab your close combat weapons of choice…

via Warhammer Community

“That’s an armoury deadly enough to make Angron blush, and more than plenty to outfit dozens of veterans and a whole squad of Despoilers should the need strike you. All of the arms are designed for MkVI power armour, and they can easily be converted with the vambraces found in the MkIII Tactical Marines box to fit those guys too. “


Melee Weapons Upgrade Set

What all is included in the set? GW has a list:

  • 10 Chainswords
  • Two Chainswords in sheathes
  • Two Heavy Chainswords
  • Two Charnabal Sabres
  • Two Thunder Hammers
  • Four Power Swords, with two being drawn and two in hand
  • Two Power Lances
  • Four Power Axes
  • Four Power Mauls
  • Four Power Fists
  • Four Claw assemblies for turning the Power Fists into Lightning Claws
  • Two Augury Scanners
  • Two Melta Bombs
  • Two Slung Boltguns
  • Two Hand Flamers
  • Two Plasma Pistols
  • Four Volkite Serpenta
  • Four Phobos Bolt Pistols
  • Four Umbra Bolt Pistols
  • Four Tigrus Bolt Pistols
  • Eight Hands split across four styles
  • 10 Heads split across five styles
  • 42 Arms split across 21 styles

Also, the Lightning Claws fit over both the Powerfists found in the MkVI and MkIII Tactical Marines kits just for reference.


When you combine these options with the current kits for the Marines, the Special Weapons, and the Heavy Weapon upgrade kits you end up with an array of ways to equip the Legions Astartes squads however you need them. If you want to make to some really epic veteran squads you’ll be able to knock them out of the park with this wide array of bits.

I’m curious what else Games Workshop has in store for the Horus Heresy at this point. You really can make your perfect Horus Heresy-era army with all these various kits and upgrade packs for the Legions at this point. What would YOU want to see GW do next for the Horus Heresy?


I kind of want those sheathed chainswords…


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: 1989's Original Space Marine Terminators