Make Invaders Regret Ever Stepping Foot On Your ‘Spirit Island’

Invoke your elemental powers to drive off invaders who will bring nothing but death and blight upon your home in Spirit Island.
Spirit Island was an immediate fan-favorite when it came out in 2017. The excellent design, as well as the flip of the typical colonization theme was perfect mix of fun and satisfying. In fact, we’ve talked about it in the past here at BoLS!
Spirit Island
Spirit Island is a cooperative card drafting, area control game with hand management and variable player power mechanics set in an alternate-history 1700s. Players take the role of a mystical elemental spirit and are attempting to drive off foreign invaders. As the invaders spread across the island and spread their Blight, the spirits will need to bolster the native inhabitants and gain additional powers.
Designed by R. Eric Reuss and published by Greater Than Games, Spirit Island started as a board game in 2017, but has gained in popularity so much that it’s since been released in PC, iOS and Android formats as well.
And in stark contrast to many other games, Spirit Island has players specifically not working as the island’s colonizers. Instead, it’s the goal of the game to drive away these invading pieces and not letting them get footholds in the form of towns and cities on your island.
Like Catan. If the island was mad you were there and fought back.
The goal of Spirit Island is for the spirits (the players) to destroy the invaders or instill in them such fear that they flee on their own.
Each turn, players choose which of their power cards to play. Their spirits’ elemental powers have differing speeds, meaning fast powers take effect immediately while some slower, more powerful cards don’t take effect until a little later. Effective use of these powers requires forethought and planning as well as player cooperation.
Meanwhile, the invaders actions are controlled by their own deck of cards. These cards will dictate what parts of the island they explore, and where they build their settlements and where they “ravage.” If spirits aren’t able to protect against an invader’s ravage, the area may receive a blight token. Blight being introduced to sections of an island will remove spirit presence there.
To win, players must use their various spirit powers to get rid of the invaders and their settlements while also creating fear. If the invaders are experiencing a lot of fear of the island, it lowers the criteria for player success. However, players lose if the invaders get too many blight tokens on the board, if one of the spirits has all of its presence removed from the board, or if the invader deck runs out.

Is Spirit Island Hard to Play?
Spirit Island can be complicated on the first run. Thankfully, each different spirit has a Complexity rating and a simple suggestions of overall tactics. But the spirits is what makes the game great. Each spirit has their own powers and abilities. This really makes each spirit feel like you’re playing an entirely new game.
Each expansion to Spirit Island adds tons of new content: new ways of fighting the invaders, new spirits, a new adversaries, as well as lots of new powers, fears and blights. It’s a game that’s been constantly releasing new content. But you need to base game to get started.
How Long Do Games Take?
Spirit Island is a game for one to four players- though there is support for up to six players with the Jagged Earth expansion. And games typically last between 90 and 120 minutes.
Can Spirit Island Be Played As A Solo Player Game?
Yes! This is a game with a lot of potential for solo play. The player would act as a single spirit while the invader deck would control the actions and movements of the invaders. Since the game is set up for the invaders to more or less play themselves through the cards, gameplay is just as possible with one player as it would be with four or six. Of course, this could make for a more challenging game.
How Many Spirits Are There?
The core game has eight spirits to chose from. The Branch & Claw expansion adds two more, and the Jagged Earth expansion adds another ten. Finally, two promo packs added an additional four spirits, but these packs and the spirits have since been released as the 2022 Feather and Flame expansion.
Is It Possible To Win Spirit Island?
Yes. But depending on the difficulty and group your playing with- or if you’re playing solo- some games can be more challenging than others. This is a game of strategy and thinking ahead, but definitely a winnable game.
Is Spirit Island Appropriate For Younger Players?
The suggested age minimum is thirteen. Realistically, somebody younger than that could understand and play the game. But the strategy may be a bit tough and some of the core game concepts a bit mature. As always, you’d probably know your kids better than the printing on the box.
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~My favorite spirit is rum. …Get it?