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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Abomination & The Wrecking Crew’ Unboxed & Up Close

5 Minute Read
Oct 10 2024

We got the new character pack for Abomination and The Wrecking Crew in the house. They are bringing the pain in Marvel: Crisis Protocol!

I’ve been pretty excited to get my hands on Abomination and The Wrecking Crew for MCP since we learned they were on the way. They were a bit of a surprise — and a welcome one at that! But now, they are not only out for pre-order but AMG has also showed off the rules for both characters. More on those below. Anyhow, They sent a review copy and not only did I do an unboxing for them, but I also assembled the miniatures! Let’s get hands-on with Abomination and The Wrecking Crew in Marvel: Crisis Protocol!

Abomination & The Wrecking Crew Character Pack Unboxed

Contents-wise, inside the box is exactly what you’d expect at this point. We’ve got baggies for all the components. The cards are in their own bag and it’s a full play set for all the supported languages. The Wrecking Crew and Abomination are both on the large 65mm bases as well. They have some custom basing, but aren’t on custom bases (you’ll see that below).

I really want to call out the details on all of these characters. Abomination’s sculpt has a ton of scales and plates that are just spot on for the character. I also liked that you’ve got options for both pairs of hands. I opted to not have him holding the chunk of debris and instead went for a closed fist. The Wrecking crew also got a great diorama-like treatment. Their looks are comic book accurate and I kinda love that about them. We’ll take a closer look at the minis below.

Card-wise, again you get all the cards in the supported languages and I have extra copies of the team tactic cards to show off the artwork. If you’re looking for the rules for Abomination or The Wrecking Crew then check out those links. We did a much deeper dive there with much better pictures of their cards and rules. Personally, I think these characters are going to be a nice shot in the arm for the Criminal Syndicate and Cabal.


Abomination Up Close

As mentioned above, Abomination comes with various hand options. I opted for a closed fist on the right and an open hand on the left. I think this pose is going to look very cool across from Immortal Hulk in an action pose. I really want to make a mini-display for those two particular miniatures facing off — kind of like my own personal Rival’s Panel. But that’s a future project. For now, here’s more pics of the big guy!


I’m really excited about busting out Abomination on the tabletop soon. I’ve already got him on my paint desk. He’s next on deck after I finish up my current paint project.

The Wrecking Crew Up Close

I gotta say that after getting my hands on this kit and building the miniatures I’m more excited than my initial reaction. Why? Well, I was hoping to see each one of them on their own as individual miniatures. I think that would have been a great way to have a bunch of Threat 2 characters added to the game. However, after seeing their rules and their miniature altogether, it just clicks as a “single character.” These guys work together to become something greater as a team. They usually faulter when they fall to in-fighting and act as individuals instead of as a unified front. So this miniature really brings that idea together.

That said, they each have their own personality and it shows in their sculpts. It’s another nod to their comic book origins as they are all ripped right from the pages of the comics.

I wanted to show off the back of the miniature because it’s really crystalizes in my mind just how “comic book” these guys are. Look at their boots! Nothing screams comic book character to me more than that style of boot. Or maybe Renn Faire…which isn’t too far off in either case.


Also, just as a painting tip, I did NOT glue them down. As you can see, they each have pegs on their feet that slot them into their custom basing. I highly recommend you keep them sperate if you plan in painting them and want to get to all the details. I just wanted to show it’s possible. But you do you.

The character pack for Abomination and the Wrecking Crew is currently up for pre-order and has a street date of November 8, 2024.

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Abomination & Wrecking Crew $59.99

This pack introduces the formidable Wrecking Crew to Marvel: Crisis Protocol. The four members of the Wrecking Crew: Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, and Wrecker all occupy a single 65mm base and operate as a single character providing a unique opportunity for play.



I hope the Hulk is ready for this…

Author: Adam Harrison
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