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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Wrecking Crew Rules Preview

5 Minute Read
Oct 9 2024

Teamwork makes the dream work and in the Wrecking Crew’s case that can make for a nightmare in Marvel: Crisis Protocol.

Okay, so we need to talk about The Wrecking Crew today and I’m both excited and apprehensive about it. Why? Because, if you’re familiar with them, then you know just how “Because Comics!” their story really is. While we’ve had some of those types of characters in Marvel: Crisis Protocol already these fellas just might take the cake.

Please don’t misunderstand me — I’m actually really glad Atomic Mass Games has unleashed them to the tabletop! I was hoping we’d see them in the game and now they are here. That said, I was really hoping we’d get all four of them separately …but this actually works. Their powers work best together especially considering that they all revolve around the Enchanted Crowbar that the Wrecker himself has. Anyhow, if you want to learn more about them and their origins, there’s a place for that. For now, we’re going to dive into their rules!

The Wrecking Crew in Marvel: Crisis Protocol

via Atomic Mass Games

So, as you may have noticed, all four characters share a very large base. In case you’re wondering at home, yes, that’s a 65mm round — so don’t let that Short move speed fool you as they can still cover some ground! Stat-wise, they are collectively size 2 with a defensive line of 4/3/4 and 6 stamina on both sides. Not too shabby as they are a Threat 4 “character” in this regard. Also, just to skip a head, they are Enchanted by Karnilla and gain an additional 1 power during the power phase.

For their attacks they’ve got some options. First up, we’ve got the Indestructi-ball. It’s range 3 and 5 dice and generates 1 power after the attack. If you get a hit, you also get to trigger Thunderous Impact that applies the Stun special condition. They also have Piledriver which is a range 2 6 die attack. It doesn’t generate any power but it can allow them to push a character size 3 or less away Short. If you get a wild, you can also apply Stagger to the target if they already have the Stun condition.

Next, we have Wrecking Bar Fling which is another 0 cost attack. This one is also Mystic which is a nice change of pace. It’s a Beam range 4 and is only 4 dice, however, if you overlap the beam with any size 2 or smaller interactive terrain features you destroy them. For each one you destroy you get to add 1 die to EACH attack roll made with this attack. After each attack is resolve, you also gain 1 energy. Also, if the target has the Stagger special condition, you can then throw them away Short.


If the setup/combo isn’t apparent yet, it’s about to be crystal clear. Bulldoze is a 3 cost superpower that pushes The Wrecking Crew Medium (again, extra movement on a 65mm base). They don’t stop if they hit any terrain size 2 or smaller — instead it’s destroyed and they keep moving. However, if they hit any enemies they do stop as normal and the contacted character takes 1 damage.

But here’s the real key to The Wrecking Crew combo: Let’s Take’em Down Boys! is another super power that costs 3. It allows for them to make another attack action after an attack action has been resolved and they have to choose a different attack to use. Here’s the full breakdown from AMG in case you’re still wondering how this entire chain works:

The Wrecking Crew are formidable alone, but a coordinated assault by all four can bring even the strongest foe down. Let’s Take ’em Down Boys! allows the Wrecking Crew to make 3 attack actions on their activation. They can Bulldoze into position, hit with Indestructi-ball to give their target Stun, follow up with Piledriver to give Stagger and Push the target Away, then throw their magic crowbar and Throw the target. Finally, they can play the Stronger Together Team Tactic Card to once again Throw the target long. That combination can move an enemy character far enough that they might not even get back with an entire activation of moving. That full string is very unlikely to happen with all the required triggers, but it’s truly spectacular when it does, and it brings a massive amount of excitement to their activation when they go for it.


So again, I agree with AMG here in the sense that this probably won’t happen very often. It takes 6 energy to do on top of another 3 if you want to play Stronger Together. But man…if you pull that off congrats! That’s one EPIC play. If the target character is still not dazed or KO’d by the end of that string they are going to be well out of position to do anything for at least a turn.

The Wrecking Crew is coming in a Character pack along with Abomination (who’s also quite dangerous in his own right). They are currently up for pre-order and have a release date of November 8, 2024.

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Abomination & Wrecking Crew $59.99

This pack introduces the formidable Wrecking Crew to Marvel: Crisis Protocol. The four members of the Wrecking Crew: Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, and Wrecker all occupy a single 65mm base and operate as a single character providing a unique opportunity for play.


The Wrecking Crew will be in the Criminal Syndicate and the Cabal Affiliations.


Author: Adam Harrison
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