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Pathfinder Unveils New Variant Mythic Rules For ‘War Of The Immortals’

3 Minute Read
Oct 17 2024

You can wield the power of the demigods with the upcoming mythic rules introduced in War of the Immortals, but Paizo has even more in store.

Paizo revealed a set of new variants for the Mythic rules that will be featured in the upcoming War of the Immortals. What are the Mythic rules? Well, in a nutshell, they’re where you lean more into the demigod side of things.

You can think of the mythic rules as an extra resource, another layer of power that your character can tap into. Mythic adventurers aren’t just Fighters and Rogues; they’re folk heroes and legends. Even at lower levels, they have legendary powers that can often feel explosive in nature.

And in the base rules, you have your own mythic progression that you track alongside your character level. It increases when you do certain mythic things. You get mythic points that you can spend to do the normal things that spending points in a game like this lets you do (reroll a skill check or saving throw) but with a bonus. There are mythic facts. You get the idea.

Today, Paizo revealed a set of mythic variant rules, a free web-based PDF that you can download right now. These rules give you alternate ways to play with mythic power in Pathfinder.

Pathfinder: Mythic Variant Rules for Demigods And Dungeoneers

In the we supplement, a popular choice for throwing in all the stuff that was too big for a sidebar, but is still very cool, there are several alternate rules options presented. Including rules for mixing and matching mythic and non-mythic characters, and my favorite, alternate mythic progression. That’s the one I think a lot of GMs will be reaching for, because it opens up a lot of player-driven goals.

With the alternate progression rules, players advance in mythic power separately from the character level. So you might be a low-level but high mythic power character or the other way around. How do you gain mythic power? By doing mythic deeds:

“Mythic trials represent a way to advance your mythic abilities independently of gaining levels. A mythic trial is typically either completeing a mythic deed or defeating one or more mythic monsters in a combat encounter […] A mythic trial should be a difficult task and a notable accomplishment – avoid trivial- or low-threat encounters and easy skill checks!”

It’s baked right into the DNA of the rules, which I think is a power move on Paizo’s part. You can also find rules for not starting with mythic stuff until later in the game if you want to go for some more narrative-driven mythic things. It’s a lot to play around with, and gives you the freedom to adjust the dials in your own campaign, well worth checking out ahead of the War of the Immortals release.


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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