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Lightsabers: Everything You Need to Know About Star Wars’ Force-Sensitive Laser-Swords

4 Minute Read
Oct 10 2024

Lightsabers are an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. But how do they work? Let’s take a look at the most iconic weapon in Star Wars.

The lightsaber is the iconic weapon of the Jedi and the Sith; synonymous with Force users and a more mythic era of the Galaxy, these swords have carved a niche into the history of Republics and Empires alike. But where do these elegant weapons come from? How do they work? And what makes their distinctive hum? Let’s take a look.

An image of Ahsoka Tano wielding her two white lightsabers, which she holds across her body.

The First Lightsaber

The first ligtsabers were created thousands of years ago. It was long before the age of the Republic, and depending on whose stories you believe perhaps even before the Jedi. Though stories of “Force Wars” between different traditions that predate Jedi and Sith and the mysterious “First Blade”. This inspired all Lightsabers, and are now just legends and unconfirmed rumors.

Suffice it to say they were known to be in widespread use as far back as the Great Scourge of Malachor. The first known lightsaber, the proto-saber, is said to have emitted twin beams of light along two prongs.

An image of the proto-saber with two glowing blue beams.

The Modern Lightsaber

The modern lightsaber is a much more versatile weapon. It consists of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, emitted from a hilt designed for hand-to-hand combat. The careful alignment of the kyber crystal in a lightsaber’s emitter matrix required a Force-sensitive user to make the adjustments. Otherwise, unfortunate results could come about from a misaligned “blade.”

And when you consider that the lightsaber is powerful enough to cut through even blast doors and the hardened armor of a starship, one might want to avoid any kind of misfortune.

An image of Mace Windu holding his purple lightsaber in front of him in an offensive position.

Kyber Crystals

Kyber crystals, sometimes known as “living crystals” are Force-attuned crystals that could be found on planets scattered throughout the galaxy. They can be found in places where the Force concentrates.

These crystals resonate with the will of the Force, leaving some to claim they have a collective consciousness. Theorists have posed that they could even communicate from one crystal to another—or other living beings.

These living crystals comprise both organic and inorganic matter. They exist in a unique configuration that can withstand the temperatures and pressures found in the cores of large stars, making them the perfect vessel to focus a lightsaber’s plasma beam.

An image of Rey looking meaningfully at a yellow lightsaber she's holding in front of her.

Every kyber crystal had its own resonance. When a prospective Jedi came to construct their lightsaber, it is said that the Force itself would guide them to a crystal that suited their personality. Some crystals might emit music or display some kind of harmony when their chosen Jedi was near. But for those whom the crystal was not intended, these living crystals would be cold to the touch.


Lightsaber Colors and the Force-Wielders Who Love Them

The bond between a Jedi (or otherwise) and kyber crystal also denotes the color of a lightsaber. As the crystal bonds with a Force-user, the crystal takes on a different hue. Most famous lightsabers are typically blue or green, but any color might result from the bond.

It should be noted that these crystals are inherently attuned to the light side of the Force. The red color of a dark-side Force-user’s lightsaber comes from using the Force to bend the crystal to the Force-user’s will, corrupting it and causing it to bleed. This causes it to take on the distinctive red color most commonly associated with the Sith.

An image of the Sith Darth Maul and his red lightsaber.

Lightsaber Colors Meanings

  • Red lightsabers are exclusively associated with the Dark Side, and are the result of a corruption of a previously-other-colored kyber crystal. It’s been made infamous by such baddies as Darth Vader, Asajj Ventress, and Darth Maul.
  • Orange is a more rare color for a lightsaber, and indicates a more nuanced appreciation for the Force while maintaining a balance between Light and Dark. Cal Kestis uses one in Jedi: Fallen Order.
  • Yellow is another less common color, and indicates that the user mastered the Force using a combination of physical training and book-learning or study. In The Rise of Skywalker, Rey‘s lightsaber is yellow.
  • Green lightsabers are most famous thanks to Jedis like Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. The color originally indicated a Force-user that sought to fight the Dark Side on a more intellectual and spiritual level, but could fight if neccesary.
  • Blue is probably the most well-known color thanks to Jedis Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, who inherited his lightsaber from his father Anakin Skywalker. The color originally was used by Jedi with a physical mastery of the Force.
  • Purple signifies a Force user who is well learned in both sides of the Force. The only known Jedi to use a purple lightsaber is Mace Windu.
  • White lightsabers indicate an overall neutrality between the two sides of the Force. The most famous user, Ahsoka Tano, leaves the Jedi Order of her own free will and is a famously neutral character in the Galaxy.
  • Black indicates that you’ve found The Darksaber—a singular lightsaber that serves as a symbol of the Mandalorian people.

Powered by living crystals, capable of deflecting blaster bolts or even absorbing certain energies, lightsabers have shaped the course of destiny in the galaxy.

May the Force be with you!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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