Warhammer 40K: Can We Stop Having Army Updates Without New Minis Please

Goatboy here, and boy is it frustrating is it to get a new Warhammer 40K codex but no new units and minis!
I want to talk about how having your army updated with a codex is cool but how annoying is it when there really isn’t any new minis to add? This is a game where getting a new unit is an exciting thing when getting a new codex. But lately we have had updates that aren’t really giving us anything new beyond just getting sad that your darling units might get a nerf or two.
1 New Codex + 0 New Minis = Sadness
How frustrating is it to get a new codex but no new units in that book? Or how about the only new units you get are updated versions of models you already have? Are you crazy like me who always wants the newer model over the old one? What if your model is a crazy conversions that looked dope but now doesn’t fit with the new “aesthetic”. I am all about having my armies give enough information for my opponent to play with me at an event, and easily figure out what’s what. Just like Counting Down on your wound counters – being as nice as you can to your opponent will help you complete a good game, where both players have fun.
Case In Point – Blood Angels
But this isn’t talking about being a better opponent. This is instead talking about how much of a mess it is when you get a new book without any new units to devour. Look at the last few updates we have had. Sure Blood Angels got some new models – but they were really just updates to older units. If you wanted to play with your old Sanguinary guard you could just throw them on bigger bases and call it a day.
Sure the new Death Company Dreadnought is a Brutalis dread with a new paint job. It isn’t like they built a whole slew of new units you wanted to buy to update your army. You didn’t get a custom blinged-out Death Company Disco Dancers unit in the special BA boxed set. How frustrated is it to have a really cool and unique mini unit replaced with a generic one you paint black?
Upcoming Codexes?
I am hoping the later books we are getting next year comes out with a ton of new units instead of just reskinned old stuff. The Thousand Sons don’t really need a ton of new things as their Plastics look good (maybe a new Mutalith like thing?). I doubt will see a whole bunch of new things there. I know Aeldari will have new plastics but again they are rehashes of some truly ancient stuff brought up to speed with new plastic things (looking at you Fuegan)!
I think we might just only get a new Phoenix lord if the fluff has anything to say about it. We are not going to see some kind of new unique Wraith Guard thing or other bit of nonsense. I think the only army that will have a slew of new models will be the Astra Militarum. This is just due to having so many variants of the same units that giving us a ton of Death Korp units is cool but they are just reskinned versions of guys who like to wear gas masks.
I think the only hope for a brand new batch of stuff is the upcoming Emperor’s Children will hopefully seeing in 2025. I think it just gets hard to get excited about your armies’ release when you worry about getting nerfed or really still just taking the same detachment and same 6-7 units. I like refreshes but I also like new stuff to sink my teeth, and paintbrush into.
What do you want in an army update? Just leaving the rules alone if the units are good or a whole slew of changes?