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Warhammer 40K: Points Breakdown For The Blood Angels Combat Patrol

5 Minute Read
Oct 17 2024

With the new Blood Angels Combat Patrol on the way and new points update we’re wondering just how many points are in the box.

We already did some digging into the value of the new Combat Patrol for the Blood Angels. It’s a really good deal. And yesterday we got a look at the new points from the Munitorum Field Manual. With the changes, we’re going to explore the new Combat Patrol once again to figure out just how many points are in the box — and where you can go from there.

We’re going to be taking these points directly from GW’s latest update which you can find here.

Blood Angels Captain – 80

Sanguinary Guard – 270

Assault Intercessors – 150

Points Total: 500


This Combat Patrol comes out to exactly 500 points — that’s without any Detachment Enhancements or additions. Overall, that’s a really nice round number to work with and also about what most Combat Patrols are shooting for. So not only is this a good deal, but it’s a good core for a growing Blood Angels army.

If you’re looking to expand this box set you’ve got a lot of ways to grow it. So let’s talk about your options.

Growing Beyond The Combat Patrol

First up, I’m sure you’re all thinking the same thing I am: “Is it worth grabbing two copies of this box?” If you’re brand new, I think is actually is worth it. Not only is it a good deal overall, that will get you roughly 1000 points to play around with along with a TON of cool bits to further customize your army as Blood Angels.

If you’re worried about having two Blood Angel Captains I can understand that. However, with the options in the box you can very easily build them differently. Or use two detachments. Or…just run one as a Space Marine Lieutenant. The point is you’ve got options.


If we’re assuming you’re starting from scratch and have picked-up two Combat Patrols where do you go from there? Well, we really need 1000 more points to get to 2000. And so far we’ve got a LOT of close-combat troops. The Sanguinary Guard are probably good to go with their jump packs so I’m less worried about them getting into combat. However, those foot-slogging Intercessors are going to have trouble. I see two options: Drop Pods or Transports.

Personally, I’m leaning towards some transports for this force. And I’m thinking we need to add some fire-support which is where a Primaris Repulsor would slot in nicely. It’s 180 points and it’s a floating brick. I also think an Impulsor might not be a terrible call either. Those are only 80 points and provide okay transportation and fire support.

I think I would probably go 1 Repulsor and 1 Impulsor for this particular setup. That’s enough transports to get your two foot slogger units up the board.

Next up, I think we’d be missing out on a theme here if we didn’t include the Sanguinor. With that many Sanguinary Guard hopping around a Sanguinor dropping in with/near them makes a lot of sense to me. He’s 140 points as well. I’m also tempted to toss in more Characters like Dante or Mephiston — but I think those could be later additions to your collection or something you could swap out with the Sanguinor if you wanted to play around.


In any case we’ve got about 600 points left to play around with. I’m trying to stick to a theme here and that’s “fast but deadly.” While I would like to have another Battleline option to camp on backfield objectives I also feel like this force is going to want to keep pushing and really just play super aggressively. I’ve got two more options that I think would fit the bill and might be a little unconventional.

I know this unit doesn’t get a TON of love, but I think Inceptors would fit this theme nicely. They can also drop in with the Sanguinary Guard to help soften up targets with plasma. You could opt for the assault bolters if you’re worried about mass infantry. The clock in at 130 points for 3.

The last suggestion I’m going to make is really for tank-hunting or big monster killing. And that’s for Eradicators.




So I really like these models but I know getting them to the combat zone can be tricky. So I’m going to suggest we load-up all our deadly eggs in a very tough basket and we go with another Repulsor. And let’s not waste any space and make them a 6 strong unit while we’re at it. That’s a total of 380 points for that very painful package.

Again, the Assault Intercessors could ride in an Impulsor if you wanted to save points. With those left over points you could even swap in a Librarian just for random psychic power defense/boosts. But it’s up to you. I’d experiment with it.

The List

Sanguinor – 140

Blood Angels Captain – 80

Blood Angels Captain/Lieutenant – 65

6x Sanguinary Guard – 270


6x Sanguinary Guard – 270

10x Assault Intercessors – 150

10x Assault Intercessors – 150

3x Inceptors – 130

6x Eradicators – 200

Repulsor – 180

Repulsor – 180

Impulsor – 80

Total: 1895*

*That’s if you want to run the second Captain as a Lieutenant. Other wise it’s 1910. And yes, we’re roughly 100 points shy. Why? Well that’s for any Detachments/Enhancements you want to buy. If you’ve still got points I’d look at a Librarian or another Lieutenant as options.

This list is far from perfected. But I think it’s a good start based of the theme of the Combat Patrol. You could also just throw this all out the window, grab 3 copies of the combat patrol, run the two extra Captains as lieutenants, and then just fill the last 530-ish points with transports…That sounds pretty brutal and simple to me!

I’m positive there’s a Detachment or two that can handle this batch of minis. But find the theme you want to run and go for it with the new Blood Angels Combat Patrol!


How would you expand the Blood Angels Combat Patrol?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: Points Update Out Now - New Munitorum Field Manual